Mercurial > hg > rsof
raw notes converted to report2015-12-29, by ht
smaller2015-11-29, by ht
as distributed2015-11-29, by ht
as distributed2015-11-29, by ht
changes accepted, sent to rota organisers2015-11-11, by ht
changes as discussed at LME on 27 Oct2015-11-11, by ht
with first draft changes2015-10-25, by ht
for Sesame, no copyright or notes2015-10-10, by ht
as sent to Sesame2015-10-10, by ht
scanned PDF and partially hand-editted Word from it2015-09-13, by ht
morning 12015-07-04, by ht
per Laura requests2015-02-13, by ht
mpw corrections2013-11-13, by ht
path2013-10-20, by ht
cleaned up2013-10-20, by ht