Mercurial > hg > rsof
merge5 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
from Jackie, for Diane5 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
minor again5 months ago, by Henry Thompson
merge shortl5 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
deleted?5 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
moved notes.html to notes_pdo.html5 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
unknown5 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
minor5 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
for AM 18/95 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
for AM 18/95 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
begining to record interview date/time5 months ago, by Henry Thompson
sic5 months ago, by Henry Thompson
with results5 months ago, by Henry Thompson
for shortlisting meeting5 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
circulated to MEK for comment6 months ago, by Henry Thompson
html OK, but some work needed on xml, some already done6 months ago, by Henry Thompson
portable now?6 months ago, by Henry Thompson
for minutes/notes production from pandoc output6 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
as sent to MHMC, MEK6 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
merge6 months ago, by Henry Thompson
finished6 months ago, by Henry Thompson
misc6 months ago, by Henry Thompson
done6 months ago, by Henry Thompson
nearly automated from pdo output6 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
done6 months ago, by Henry Thompson
in progress6 months ago, by Henry Thompson
pre-pandoc for email6 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
as sent to Trustees6 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
extracted from original ad6 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
as published6 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
oops, remove "Draft..."6 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
with agreed closing date and interview window6 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
not sure, lost context from July 16 version6 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
remove council tax and utilities7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
remove council tax and utilities7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
for Trustees7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
remove "Resident"7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
accept salary edit7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
Minor edits from JN7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
consistent naming for publication7 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
from RF 2024-07-297 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
consistent naming7 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
raw7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
HST agreed all changes7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
HST agree all changes, replied to one comment7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
One more comment re alarm management7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
HST accepted almost all, added one comment, re-circulated7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
merge7 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
from JP7 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
with correct date7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
correct date of meeting7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
move to hiring from transition, version agreed at MHMC 2024-07-167 months ago, by Henry Thompson
hiring various7 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
separate hiring from transition7 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
with changes/comments done at MHMC 2024-07-167 months ago, by Henry Thompson
from pandoc7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
convert to markdown7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
some queries/actions from MHMC 2024-07-167 months ago, by Henry Thompson
_ for italic, ** or __ for bold7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
for fixup of pandoc output7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
empty7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
merge7 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
from Rachel7 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
pandoc and minutes.el done7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
moved to own directory7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
fix date7 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
actually as circulated, with Susie Harding removed7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
as circulated7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
as converted7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
as circulated7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
initial7 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
fix labelling7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
HST corrections and additions7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
HST version8 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
filled in from raw8 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
finished8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
agenda8 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
final, I think8 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
updated by Rachel Fitz8 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
new markdown8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
finished8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
in progress8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
in progress8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
empty8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
complete8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
complete8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
needs more captions8 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
As circulated/uploaded8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
HST complete8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
XML valid8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
raw minutes.txt jammed in8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
as intended, plus post-meeting actions8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
final text version, shifting to XML8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
in progress8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
in progress8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
in progress8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
attendance, maybe8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
from agenda8 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
preparing for MHMC 2024-06-248 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
deleted comments, as circulated8 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
HST cleaned up and accepted comments8 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
responses from Rachel to Jackie8 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
comments from Jackie8 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
original by Rachel8 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
Backed out changeset 22e61e9c2183 to enable separate commits, comments8 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
merge8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
x8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
as sent to Jane, with minor tweaks8 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
HST finished8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
mostly engrossed8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
stop9 months ago, by Henry Thompson
step9 months ago, by Henry Thompson
step9 months ago, by Henry Thompson
merge9 months ago, by Henry Thompson
renamed9 months ago, by Henry Thompson
catching up9 months ago, by Henry Thompson
Completed acceptance of minor changes, added two comments9 months ago, by Henry Thompson
Hartley update on get-in date9 months ago, by Henry Thompson
culled, but all comments retained9 months ago, by Henry Thompson
accepting changes...9 months ago, by Henry Thompson
merge9 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
from Rachel and Jackie9 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
after close of meeting9 months ago, by Henry Thompson
Copy agenda and engross to produce starting point for minutes9 months ago, by Henry Thompson
Copy agenda and engross to produce starting point for minutes9 months ago, by Henry Thompson
merge9 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
from Hartley9 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
rough, includes some draft minuting9 months ago, by Henry Thompson
as circulated9 months ago, by Henry Thompson
hand-correct markup9 months ago, by Henry Thompson
from previous minutes with notes.xml jammed in9 months ago, by Henry Thompson
fix Catriona -> Katrina9 months ago, by Henry Thompson
action on HT wrt Hartley9 months ago, by Henry Thompson
from Hartley10 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
minor10 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
draft to Jackie10 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
background various10 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
end of meeting10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
starting Minute10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
final10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
finished marking up10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
raw text pasted in10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
ready for Miranda to review10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
tiny typos10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
to Miranda for initial review, content and format10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
collect actions, markup for more styling10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
done10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
partial10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
bit of pre-populating10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
merge10 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
as agenda10 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
as distributed10 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
merge10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
begin semi-auto structuring10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
brute-force merge in of pandoc output10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
full links :-(10 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
from Hartley10 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
for distribution with correct image links10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
for distribution10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
begin restructuring10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
rename10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
brute-force merge in of pandoc output10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
from notes.txt via pandoc10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
fix action10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
finished on the day10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
more10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
more10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
getting started10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
End of meeting, needs tidied10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
2.110 months ago, by Henry Thompson
end10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
nearing the end10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
working10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
working10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
merge10 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
zoom10 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
as sent out10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
from Miranda10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
fix10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
from Miranda10 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
ready?10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
HST finishes10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
HST finishes10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
in progress10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
in progress10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
in progress10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
empty10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
merge10 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
sic10 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
sic10 months ago, by Henry Thompson
first from miranda11 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
merge11 months ago, by Henry Thompson
catching up on miranda records11 months ago, by Henry Thompson
final as returned11 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
as circulated to Trustees et al.11 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
ready for final proofreading11 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
tidying up the background more11 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
tidying up the background11 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
Restructured11 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
more-or-less complete, but needs restructured11 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
footnote, 3.1 done for now11 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
some formatting11 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
Very rough port from .txt 349:c9212f11 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
more background11 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
problem section complete (but not great)11 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
working on problem section11 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
sic11 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
start pblms section11 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
sic11 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
more background, TL;DR11 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
more background11 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
more background11 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
merge11 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
getting started on input to QiS-CG11 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
Final, as agreed HST and HK12 months ago, by Henry Thompson
merge12 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
frpm Hartley12 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
Accepted all ours and most of Hartley's changes12 months ago, by Henry Thompson
from Hartley12 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
Without change markup12 months ago, by Henry Thompson
final tweaks per responses to Ben and Jackie12 months ago, by Henry Thompson
last minute push12 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
last minute push12 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
as _actually_ sent to Hartley12 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
as sent to Hartley12 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
in time for Trustees meeting12 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
sic13 months ago, by Henry Thompson
moved13 months ago, by Henry Thompson
merge13 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
JN13 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
from Woodbrooke course13 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
convert to XML13 months ago, by Henry Thompson
convert to XML13 months ago, by Henry Thompson
split out guide from notes13 months ago, by Henry Thompson
The Rule: done, about to split13 months ago, by Henry Thompson
The Rule: nearly done13 months ago, by Henry Thompson
The Rule: details13 months ago, by Henry Thompson
begin The Rule13 months ago, by Henry Thompson
begin day 213 months ago, by Henry Thompson
d1lunch13 months ago, by Henry Thompson
bpd13 months ago, by Henry Thompson
merge13 months ago, by Henry Thompson
start13 months ago, by Henry Thompson
missed yet another bit, now uploaded at14 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
missed another bit, now uploaded at14 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
merge14 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
missed a bit, now uploaded at14 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
final,14 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
merging in text from 2023-06-05_Miranda.txt14 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
renamed?14 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
final, from David14 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
sic15 months ago, by Henry Thompson
simplified15 months ago, by Henry Thompson
for approval15 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
merge16 months ago, by Henry Thompson
x16 months ago, by Henry Thompson
match name on Dropbox18 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
merge18 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
from whiteboard, sort of18 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
p.3 rotated and scan-to-text done19 months ago, by Henry Thompson
merge19 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
original19 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
meeting finished20 months ago, by Henry Thompson
at beginning of meeting itself20 months ago, by Henry Thompson
at beginning of meeting itself20 months ago, by Henry Thompson
updated from 06 to create starting point for 0720 months ago, by Henry Thompson
as circulated to committee etc.20 months ago, by Henry Thompson
get section number correct for 9.2.420 months ago, by Henry Thompson
corrections from MG 19/620 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
cut down for distribution20 months ago, by Henry Thompson
final20 months ago, by Henry Thompson
remove all substance20 months ago, by Henry Thompson
more work on action items, new stuff creeping in20 months ago, by Henry Thompson
working through action items20 months ago, by Henry Thompson
merge20 months ago, by Henry Thompson
begin preparing20 months ago, by Henry Thompson
merge20 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
from DS20 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
from DS 2023-05-17 odt version20 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
some pwd and email notes20 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
merge20 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
spelling20 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
sic20 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
merge21 months ago, by Henry Thompson
as shared with Trustees21 months ago, by Henry Thompson
from 2015, study session for SESAM21 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
Done except for 621 months ago, by Henry Thompson
7.1, 7.2 complete21 months ago, by Henry Thompson
working on 7.121 months ago, by Henry Thompson
done through Affordability Group21 months ago, by Henry Thompson
done through Matters Arising21 months ago, by Henry Thompson
moving in from minutes.txt21 months ago, by Henry Thompson
forked from agenda near the end21 months ago, by Henry Thompson
fork minutes, maybe this is now done21 months ago, by Henry Thompson
structure and titles from .txt21 months ago, by Henry Thompson
final21 months ago, by Henry Thompson
partial21 months ago, by Henry Thompson
partial21 months ago, by Henry Thompson
partial21 months ago, by Henry Thompson
pre-meeting final21 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
finished on the day, will circulate to MG and DS21 months ago, by Henry Thompson
partial21 months ago, by Henry Thompson
merge21 months ago, by Henry Thompson
2nd draft21 months ago, by Henry Thompson
quote21 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
x21 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
finished21 months ago, by Henry Thompson
Thu morning finished22 months ago, by Henry Thompson
more on Thu morning22 months ago, by Henry Thompson
next day22 months ago, by Henry Thompson
from David, with admin pwd22 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
merge22 months ago, by Henry Thompson
Wednesday afternoon session22 months ago, by Henry Thompson
merge22 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
foo22 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
merge22 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
from David Sterratt22 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
merge23 months ago, by Henry Thompson
2022-11-092022-11-11, by Henry Thompson
From David23 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
hacked for distribution23 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
as distributed for 31 March23 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
two installers23 months ago, by Henry S. Thompson
from rsof_local23 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
last year2022-12-13, by Henry S. Thompson
minutes2022-09-14, by Henry S. Thompson
date2022-06-12, by Henry S. Thompson
fix names2022-06-12, by Henry S. Thompson
my bad2022-06-12, by Henry S. Thompson
hst 1st draft from notes2022-06-12, by Henry Thompson
for publication on MH website2021-11-14, by Henry Thompson
final tweaks2021-11-13, by Henry Thompson
nearly there2021-11-13, by Henry S. Thompson
revised per Madeline and Tony2021-10-27, by Henry S. Thompson
hacked up from SNCO original2021-10-19, by Henry S. Thompson
Final zoom2021-07-19, by Henry S. Thompson
BPD into the 18th c. paused 34:592021-07-13, by Henry S. Thompson
BPD getting started, through 17:042021-07-13, by Henry S. Thompson
Two Kingdoms2021-07-10, by Henry S. Thompson
very sketchy2021-07-10, by Henry S. Thompson
SM part 2 20 mins2021-07-06, by Henry S. Thompson
End of SM part 1, incl. discussion2021-06-27, by Henry S. Thompson
End of SM part 1 solo2021-06-26, by Henry S. Thompson
Stuart Masters 1, through 28:402021-06-25, by Henry S. Thompson
End of part I2021-06-24, by Henry S. Thompson
end of TPA talking head day 22021-06-17, by Henry S. Thompson
paused at 23:302021-06-17, by Henry S. Thompson
Through Week 12021-06-16, by Henry S. Thompson
as sent to Clerks and Sesame2021-04-25, by Henry S. Thompson
complete2021-04-10, by Henry S. Thompson
finally back in sync2021-04-10, by Henry Thompson
?2021-04-10, by Henry Thompson
empty2021-04-10, by Henry Thompson
try to make former ugly duckling a welcome sub-repo2021-02-15, by Henry S. Thompson
moved/renamed to app_notes2021-02-15, by Henry S. Thompson
merged, not clear why it ever split :-(2021-02-15, by Henry S. Thompson
moved to 2015-072021-02-15, by Henry S. Thompson
as sent to Sesame, Clerks2021-02-15, by Henry S. Thompson
as sent to Alan2020-11-23, by Henry S. Thompson
original rough2020-11-23, by Henry S. Thompson
webinar 32020-08-25, by Henry Thompson
Tentative design for priority-to-newcomers2020-08-22, by Henry Thompson
Module 1 materials2020-08-16, by Henry Thompson
adding stuff late2020-06-14, by Henry Thompson
x2020-06-14, by Henry Thompson
Finis2020-02-22, by Henry Thompson
question time2020-02-22, by Henry Thompson
More on John2020-02-22, by Henry Thompson
Luke, Acts and John2020-02-22, by Henry Thompson
more Matthew2020-02-22, by Henry Thompson
Mark and Matthew2020-02-22, by Henry Thompson
complete2019-12-07, by Henry Thompson
x2019-12-07, by Henry Thompson
late!2019-11-03, by Henry Thompson
raw first pass2019-10-06, by Henry Thompson
done2019-10-06, by Henry Thompson
x2019-10-06, by Henry Thompson
misc2019-10-06, by Henry Thompson
as used2019-10-06, by Henry Thompson
as used2019-10-06, by Henry Thompson
x2019-10-06, by Henry Thompson
complete2019-10-06, by Henry Thompson