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author Henry Thompson <>
date Mon, 03 Jun 2024 18:15:30 +0100
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7VT Windows Group, notes from 2012-01-10

Caroline Evens, Emma Griffiths, Susie Harding, Henry S. Thompson

If expand, look outside Central Edinburgh

Fundraising c'ttee did a leaflet, but was laid down as too narrow in
scope -- need us to actively seek out non-individual sources of

We are B-listed.

HST fussed about having 'safety'/'safe' as a big part of why we're
doing this. ACTION CE to ask Ken Jobling why this is here

Looking for approx. 90KGBP for windows (Hall and Meeting Room (library
has been done)):  Make as energy-efficient as possible.

Looking for panorama of the view for the inside of the leaflet -- John
Fitzgerald was suggested as a possible photographer.

Emma took us through some possible sources
  * Historic Scotland have a fund for worship bldgs repair
    * But it's administered by the Heritage Lottery Fund
      Where does the money come from?
      Website says "an application", funds from "one or the other or
    * EG will try to get to the bottom of this: ACTION EG

How urgent is this?  The whole project has slipped, because we
couldn't fund it ourselves when the cost came in at twice what we
expected.  Might aim to finish by the end of the year.

If much longer, need to let Trustees and Management C'ttee know, so
they can in turn communicate with the builders from whom we have a

But some of the windows are already leaking. . .

HST asks about aiming higher?  Not really our call.

SH agrees to convene, HST to take and circulate notes.

EG will look at the _Directory of Quaker and Quaker-related
grant-making trusts_ to see whether we can benefit.

Sawley MH put a leaflet in the Friend. . .

Possible steps:
 * Leaflet for a) The Friend [National Appeal]
               b) Constituent meetings
 * Grants and stuff
 * Constituent meeting fundraising activities?

Cost of leaflet in the Friend?
ACTION: HST to find out

HST suggested that making explicit in the leaflet that we are
expecting to raise XXX locally and are asking for the rest nationally
would be a good tactic

HST concerned that LM clerks need to be actively involved
CE doesn't want to give the impression that we're asking for _more_
money from LMs themselves as such

SH suggested a cover letter in advance of the leaflet letting them
know it's going national, asking for help, offering suggestions, etc.

CE suggested we could add a line for 'additional contribution in light
:-) of the window :-) of opportunity to help' for the Schedule letter
(aiming for March).

CE said we need a target for how much we can raise from grants, so we
know how much we're looking to raise on a piece-by-piece basis.

EG has located some other options, e.g. Glaziers Trust, from Funds for
Historic Buildings at Historic Scotland: ACTION EG to scan these

Should get the leaflet into the FH monthly mailing: ACTION HST to
check cost/mechanism

CE suggested we might circulate to non-Quaker bodies
HST wondered about a press release: The Scotsman is hungry for
content, every day

"Still serving the old-town community after 145 years"

HST thinks JP has a history of the building somewhere: ACTION HST to
get this for EG

CE reports that the MH Managers suggested we could contact the summer
volunteers. . .

CE begins to tabulate paras for the FAQ:
 * History of the bldg., including statutory status: EG
 * History of Q's [in Edinburgh]: CE
 * Technical project info: CE
 * Bldg use today (including EFF): CE
 * Total cost and breakdown of funding sources in view: CE
 * How to donate, Gift Aid, etc.: CE
 * Fundraising suggestions: SH
 * Fundraising status: HST [0]

Use Googledocs for this?  ACTION HST to check about redlining, and
produce trivial instructs.  One doc't per bullet

SH asks about growing the group: consensus is, not yet, but co-opt
people for specific tasks _ad lib_.

ACTION HST to let Trustees know on 11-Jan that progress is progressing

Date of next meeting: 7 Feb, same time, same place