view MHMC/MEK_2024-07-11/notes.txt @ 578:d87ad190e398

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author Henry S Thompson <>
date Tue, 19 Nov 2024 09:44:14 +0000
parents 55eaec5ed4c8
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# From previous All-Hands meeting 2024-06-25

: RF, EG, MG (?), KL, JN, MS, HT

: KM

Work mobile for MEK?

Staff personal phones are working for the time being

Keys for MEK

Price rise process: Discuss in October, notify in November, apply from

# First 10 days

Some hiccups (alarm: thanks to MS), 3F2 needs
cleaned, accidental password glitch: office@ is now 

# Reinstalling mikes in Meeting Room

Need to discuss with Mark Kisby: Narrower fittings
now, are the bases necessary?

Send pictures

# Looking forward:

: HST today/tomorrow

Walkaround and handover
: HST&MS tomorrow afternoon

Inventory write-ups
: EG, then HST to Hartley
  See email to Jackie re misc. checks on flats

EG/MS to move office microwave to 4F

[HST and MS have located our PAT and EICR records, we're good until
 October this year, then need to have both done for MH, 3F2 and 4F.]

EG to photograph fuse board just in case

[HST and EG checked all smoke detectors in 3F2 and 4F are working]

EG to check 4F for fire blanket

HST away 25 July -- 12 August

August rota?  Coming from MEK soon

ACTION: KL to ask James Henderson to confirm Sundays he's covering in July and
August [DONE]

Holidays in not "highlighted" weeks in July and August are encouraged,
as in September

Bookings in September onward to be processed as usual

ACTION: KL to put something in TeamUps at the beginning of August about
starting to plan rota for September

Decluttering project, beginning next week (15--19 July), and 1st week
in September Note that HST can hire a minivan via Car Club
RF has an estate

Is Hartley planning to do an uplift, if so can we piggy-back?

ACTION: EG to deal with knockon effects of new supplier for sanitary