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date Tue, 19 Nov 2024 09:44:14 +0000
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A Friendly Introduction to Quakers in Scotland12 October 2019&#x2014;Call for Participation</title></head><body style="font-family: DejaVu Sans, Arial; background: rgb(254,250,246)"><div style="text-align: center" class="head"><h1>
   <img src="Q Logo - Sky - RGB - Black Text.jpg" class="image" alt="Quakers in Scotland logo" title="Quakers in Scotland logo" width="12.5%" style="position: absolute; top: 0cm; left: 1cm"/>
<span style="font-size: 80%">A Friendly Introduction to Quakers in Scotland<br/>12 October 2019&#x2014;Call for Participation</span></h1><hr/></div><div class="body"><div><h2>1.  What's this about?</h2><p>You may have been coming to Quaker meeting for a couple of weeks or a
couple of years. Sometimes it's difficult to find time after meeting to
have the further discussions about Quakerism you would like: this day is a chance to
have deeper discussions and ask questions. You might be looking for a
chance to discuss what happens for you in meeting for Worship and
whether it's the same as for other people, or you might want to chat
about putting faith into action. You might be interested in how your
experience of Quakerism so far fits in with Quakerism across the
country or across the world or how over 400 years of Quaker history
has got us to where British Quakers are today. You may be interested
to find out more about how Quakers organise and make decisions. We aim to
answer your questions and to create a safe space to have these
discussions. We hope that by the end of the event you will feel more
confident calling yourself a Quaker, or at least have a broader
understanding of the breadth of beliefs and practices within Quakers
today.</p><p>All of the above is happening on Saturday in Stirling.  If you live near
enough, or can manage to stay somewhere nearby, please also consider joining us
for Meeting for Worship at Dunblane Meeting on Sunday morning, followed by an
opportunity to discuss our experiences over a simple lunch courtesy of Dunblane
Friends.</p></div><div><h2>2.  Who is it for?</h2><p>Anyone who has been attending a Quaker Meeting for Worship who is interested in finding out more about Quakers.</p></div><div><h2>3.  Where and when, exactly?</h2><p>The main event is on Saturday 12 October in Stirling, from 1030 to 1730. 
We're meeting in the McCallum Room at Stirling Baptist Church, 67 Murray Place,
Stirling, FK8 1AU.  Meeting for Worship in Dunblane is at 1030 on Sunday 13
October at the Braeport
Centre, Braeport, Dunblane, FK15 0AT.</p></div><div><h2>4.  Will it cost money?</h2><p>Yes, but you don't necessarily have to pay this yourself.  Either your Local
Meeting or your Area Meeting will almost certainly provide bursary help to
cover the cost, which will be about &#xa3;25/person.</p></div><div><h2>5.  How do I register?</h2><p>Just send email to <a href=""><code></code></a> with "Friendly Introduction to Quakers" in the subject, tell us you're interested, and give us some details:</p><dl class=" "><dt><b><a name="Name_.or_names_if_you.d_like_to_register_for_more_than_one.:">Name (or names if you'd like to register for more than one):</a></b></dt><dd><br/></dd><dt><b><a name="Local_Meeting._Area_Meeting_or_Worshiping_group_you_have_been_attending._or_how_you_have_gained_an_interest_in_Quakers:">Local Meeting, Area Meeting or Worshiping group you have been attending, or how you have gained an interest in Quakers:</a></b></dt><dd><br/></dd><dt><b><a name="Do_you_have_any_specific_questions_or_things_you.d_like_to_discuss.__.We_can.t_guarantee_to_cover_everything_but_we.d_like_to_try_to_answer_people.s_questions.:">Do you have any specific questions or things you'd like to discuss?  (We can't guarantee to cover everything but we'd like to try to answer people's questions):</a></b></dt><dd><br/></dd><dt><b><a name="Costs:">Costs:</a></b></dt><dd>
    <ul class="naked nolabel  "><li>I will cover the costs myself [ ]</li><li>I will ask my local or area meeting to help me to cover costs (this
  is usually best approached through an overseer) [ ]</li><li>I would like financial support to attend but don't know who to ask
  (we'll try to help as we don't want costs to be a barrier to anyone
  attending - this includes travel and accommodation if required) [ ]</li><li>I don't understand these options, please get in touch with me to
explain them [ ]</li></ul><br/>
    </dd><dt><b><a name="Dietary_or_accessibility_requirements:">Dietary or accessibility requirements:</a></b></dt><dd><br/></dd><dt><b><a name="Do_you_expect_to_join_us_for_the_Sunday_Meeting_for_worship_._lunch_._discussion_as_well_as_the_Saturday_event.:">Do you expect to join us for the Sunday Meeting for worship / lunch / discussion as well as the Saturday event?:</a></b></dt><dd>Yes | No</dd></dl></div><div><h2>6.  Can I ask some questions?</h2><p>Of course&#x2014;just send email to <a href=""><code></code></a> and ask us.</p></div><div><h2>7.  Who's responsible?</h2><p>It was Southeast Scotland Area Meeting's turn to organise this for
General Meeting for Scotland, and they
asked us: Mariot Dallas, Rici Marshall Cross and Henry Thompson.</p></div></div></body></html>