view Sufferings/2020-02-01/notes.txt @ 339:b5f04c47f766

Final, as agreed HST and HK
author Henry Thompson <>
date Mon, 11 Mar 2024 19:27:44 +0000
parents 8143d5a725eb
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*Report from QCEA*

*Joint statement wrt Brexit from B & I YMs*

*Trustees consultation*

Acknowledged concerns about decisions wrt meeting-centred support

"Very clear steer" from MfS was "that Vibrancy had been a good thing"

But we didn't _ever_ hear about or endorse the new plan

Simple charity -- more work coming on that
 What do _we_ need from the centre to help us be simpler

LDW and Hubs: 38 responses
 Experiment with one hub later this year
 LDW roll-out 'immediately', will take years, still "in reach of"
  every meeting

PP: Gradual process, will continue to be wealth of specialist
    expertise in London
    Discussion w. QLCC on what kinds specialist expertise is needed
    and when it needs to be _in London_.

*Speaking out*

Thoughtful contributions from staff

Drawing out two continua
 * Complelled to witness <--> Compelled to achieve change
 * Be distinctively Quaker <--> Voice all concerns

York 2009 on SSM as example of witness w/o expectation of change
_achieving_ change

***Nominations to JYM needed by 10 March***

Sam McNair reported very impressively on a Diversity and Inclusion
5: Hilda Clark
 Gay X find X->Y trans people challenging to their own choices wrt
  their own dismorphia
 Not all trans people are prepared/able to 'come out' to everyone in a
  new meeting: how would we as a Meeting cope with a gradual spread of
 Meeting equivalent of a pen-friend -- e.g. 'twinning' with a Meeting
  from Ghana
 Finding a way to make a space that's safe for people who are
  labouring under the experience of being 'other' in some way to share
  that: they may have been waiting a long time for the opportunity...

*YM Gathering*
Theme: Listening, prophecy and reconciliation: Allyship in a climate emergency

This emerged from discussions between YM Agenda Committee and JYM
Arrangements C'ttee

 1) Why should we care about inclusion when we need to focus on the emergency?
 3) Discussing the hard stuff tenderly without blowing up
 2) Remembering the warnings of the 1970s and 1980s as prophecy, what
     are we hearing _now_ that is prophetic
News about Hubs and LDWs v. welcome, one aspect of this has been
concerning members of my AM, which is the LDW recruitment process

Vibrancy in Meetings evaluation [has some good things to say about the
value of the LDW-Centre connection]

- Quaker discipline 2nd-largest "of all presenting needs"

- What is important

  "delivered by a skilled worker and based on deep understanding of
   local meetings and the local context"

- Recommendations

  "there is considerable need [in Meetings] around the basics of
   Quakerism, meetings and processes"

 "As Quakers, we all share responsibility for the Meeting. You may
  have questions about Quakerism in general, or our Meeting in
  particular ~ if so, please feel free to share these with someone
  sitting near you.  If they can't help you, they can probably point
  out someone to you who probably can.

I accept that the evidence has convinced Trustees that overall we are
not delivering on that promise, and that paid LDWs are necessary.

Couldn't find in the record whether the 4 VW were

And I take it from reviewing various job ads that we do not ever
'require' applicants to be Members.

But all the evaluation comments, and my takeaway from the video,
suggest that that would be very desirable.

Is this recognised as a priority?

Will we at least advertise 'internally' before publicly?
In practice, not a problem: no-one could apply w/o a "deep
understanding" (not Membership, YFs not joining on principle).

[wrist-slap from Clerk -- too 'narrow']