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hiring various
author | Henry S Thompson <> |
date | Mon, 22 Jul 2024 17:08:01 +0100 |
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<?xml version='1.0'?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../../../lib/xml/doc.xsl" ?> <!DOCTYPE doc SYSTEM "../../../lib/xml/doc.dtd" [ <!ENTITY prev ""> ]> <doc> <head> <title>Minutes MHMC 2023-07-13</title> <title>Edinburgh Meeting House Management Committee</title> <author>Henry S. Thompson, Convenor</author> <date>Thursday 13 July 6:30 p.m., in 7 Victoria Terrace</date> <style type="text/css">.minute {margin-left: 1cm; border-left: 2px solid red; padding-left: 2px} div.toc ul.naked {padding-left: 0 ! important}</style> </head> <body> <div><list type="1defn"> <item term="Present:">Miranda Girdlestone (MG), Jackie Noltingk (JN), John Phillips (JP), Laragh Quinney (LQ), Sue Sierra (SS), Henry Thompson (HT)</item> <item term="Prevented:"></item> <item term="Copies to:">Marilyn Higgins (MH), Neil Turner (NT), David Sterratt (DS)</item> </list></div> <div id="next"> <title>Date and time of next meeting</title> <p class="action" on="HT">Email membership for available weeks in September, then poll for date/time.</p> </div> <div id="arising"> <title>Matters arising</title> <div id="a_1"> <link href="&prev;#next">MHM_2023-06-06 1 Next meeting</link> <p>On HT: "Email membership ...": <name>Done</name>.</p> </div> <div id="a_p_6a"> <link href="">MHM_2023-04-20 6a bullet 3: Staffing</link> <p>Carried forward.</p> <p class="action" on="MG">Lone worker lanyard alarms.</p> </div> <div id="a_p_9c"> <title><link href="">MHM_2023-04-20</link> 9c: Fabric and maintenance</title> <p>Carried forward.</p> <p class="action" on="MG">Installing LED lighting.</p> </div> <div id="a_3.2"> <title><link href="&prev;#PAT">MHM_2023-06-06</link> 3.2 PAT Testing</title> <p>Carried forward.</p><p class="action" on="MG">Draft a proposal and send it, noting our agreement, to the Safety Officer of AM Trustees.</p> </div> <div id="a_3.3"> <title><link href="&prev;#PAT">MHM_2023-06-06</link> 3.3 Risk management strategy</title> <p>On JN: "forward MG anything we have along these lines". <name>Done</name>, see also <link href="#Risk">below under 4.1</link>.</p> </div> <div id="a_6.2"> <title><link href="&prev;#staff">MHM_2023-06-06</link> 6.2 Ongoing staffing issues</title> <p>On HT: "Tell R&L that they have to vacate." <name>Done</name>, with a minimum of fuss.</p> <p>On HT: "Ask DS for time at the next Affordability Group meeting (26 June 1200) for an informal chat with members of the MHC to discuss the flat(s)". <name>Not done</name>, see <link href="#flats">below under 6 Upper Bow Flats</link>.</p> </div> <div id="a_8.2"> <title><link href="&prev;#email">MHM_2023-06-06</link> 8.2 Email issues</title> <p>On HT, MG: "Meet with Majk Stokes (MS) to explore options, e.g. multiple folders, multiple email addresses". <name>Done</name>, but more work needed. See <link href="#email">below under Email issues</link></p> </div> <div id="a_9"> <title><link href="&prev;#staffing">MHM_2023-06-06</link> 9. Fabric and Maintenance</title> <p>On HT: "Put [F&M specialist needed] on the agenda for next time." <name>Done</name>, see <link href="#building">below under Fabric and Maintenance</link>.</p> </div> <div id="a_9.2.1"> <title><link href="&prev;#wifi2f">MHM_2023-06-06</link> 9.2.1 Meeting room wifi</title> <p>On HT: "Meet with DS to discuss state of networking in 7VT, possible remedial actions." <name>Done</name>, but more work needed. See <link href="#wifi2f">below under Meeting Room wifi</link>.</p></div> <div id="a_9.2.2"> <title><link href="&prev;#glazing">MHM_2023-06-06</link> 9.2.2 Glazing in flats</title> <p>Carried forward.</p> <p class="action" on="MG">Prepare brief report for next meeting</p> </div> <div id="a_9.2.3"> <title><link href="&prev;#dialer">MHM_2023-06-06</link> 9.2.3 Emergency phone in lift</title> <p>On MG: [error in original minutes]. <name>Done</name>.</p> </div> <div id="a_9.2.4"> <title><link href="&prev;#intruder">MHM_2023-06-06</link> 9.2.4 Intruder alarm</title> <p>On MG: "Experiment further to determine what the facts are, contact engineer for advice if necessary"</p> <p>See <link href="#alarm">below under Alarm callout phone</link>.</p></div> <div id="a_9.3"> <title><link href="&prev;#">MHM_2023-06-06</link> 9.3 Carpets</title> <p>Carried forward.</p> <p class="action" on="MG">Send quotes to JN.</p> </div> <div id="a_9.4"> <title><link href="&prev;#wifi2f">MHM_2023-06-06</link> 9.4 Signage</title> <p>Carried forward.</p> <p class="action" on="MG">Bring a proposal to MHMC in due course.</p> </div> </div> <div id="convenor"> <title>Convenor's report</title> <p>HT still struggling to manage the multitude of Dropbox accounts, Google groups and GMail accounts involved in this job.</p> <p class="action" on="HT">Make all relevent Dropbox accounts and Google groups use the MHMCC email address, i.e. <code></code>.</p> <p>MG and HST have agreed to have regular meetings to share status updates.</p> </div> <div id="MGupdate"> <title>Manager's update</title> <p>[festival news from MG, including JP's]</p> <p>Green... might be interested </p> <p>We need to talk about room rates. QCG meeting say Aug./Sep. is time. Last year they put prices up 10/15%, but less this year to come. Smaller groups/charity . Was discussed about this time last year, we'll look in the minutes. November 2022 has some agreements, Item 7b in 2022-11-03</p> <p>We said 'no' to DO days this year.</p> <p class="action" on="HT">Put this on the agenda for next time.</p> <p>Peace in the Heart has a block booking in October, but no news.</p> <p class="action" on="MG">Contact AM Clerk for an about</p> <p>Upper Bow drainpipe sorted ? There is another leak in the interior courtyard which we have no clue about, but is dangerous in winter.</p> <p>Tony Peach is getting frail, and struggling with lack of contact from the office staff that he formerly enjoyed. We agreed that this is not part of office staff's duties, and that other channels are in place for addressing his situation.</p> <div id="Risk"> <title>Risk Management Strategy</title> <p>MG is planning to take JP's task document [ref?] and look at all the tasks and see where they need planned cover in case of whatever. NT has been working on an <emph>assessment</emph> document. Some feedback from MG to NT (best via JK) on points that he might want to include would be welcome. During COVID the MH Risk Assessment was updated regularly in response to (changing) ScotGov regulations. Martin @@ is involve with his AM H&S coordinator hat on.</p> <p class="action" id="MG">Move that work forward, and share material with JK as appropriate.</p> </div> </div> <div id="VTAG"> <title>Victoria Terrace affordability group update</title> <p><link href="">Notes from meeting 2023-06-26</link></p> <p>See the above for details. Some topics of interest to us:</p> <list> <item>Some alternative back-of-the envelop financial plans</item> <item>A lengthy discussion of the café idea</item> </list> </div> <div id="staffing"> <title>Staffing</title> <div id="assistant"> <title>Additional Meeting House Assistant</title> <p>Last time we asked Trustees to agree to the creation of a new permanent part-time MH Assistant job starting in September, to be advertised widely, and they agreed. This has been put on hold.</p> <p>MG decided the timing wasn't right so early, and will take that forward in a month or so.</p> </div> <div id="casual"> <title>Additional casual staff</title> <p>One candidate for casual staff, interviewed and was appropriate, will be approached shortly with an offer. He would be able to cover Saturdays and Sundays. No other applications, two other enquiries that didn't convert. MG will advertise again, we are looking forward to a period of being short-staffed. Exploiting routes into the post-graduate student communities might help.</p> </div> </div> <div id="lettings"> <title>Room hire & marketing</title> <div id="weddings"> <title>Quaker weddings: Griffiths/Lawrence</title> <p>It all went smoothly.</p> </div> </div> <div id="IT"> <title>IT</title> <div id="email"> <title>Email issues</title> <div id="email_1"> <title>Booking form email issues</title> <p>HT has fixed the major problem with Google refusing to allow booking requests from the online form to pass through its hands.</p> <p>A problem with the online form that means a default reply doesn't go to the booker's email address remains, awaiting an upgrade to the underlying web server.</p> <p class="action" on="HT">Liaise with DS when he returns from holiday to make sure this gets done.</p> </div> <div id="email_2"> <title>Email to office@equaker</title> <p>There's too much email on too many diverse topics coming in to <code></code>. Things get lost.</p> <p>HT discussed this with MS, but needs more time to explore options.</p> <p class="action" on="HT">Draft a proposal for upgrading email handling.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="building"> <title>Fabric and maintenance</title> <div id="specialist"> <title>New committee member?</title> <p>We need someone to cover the Staffing portfolio. Please send suggestions to HT for him to include in a request to NomComm.</p> </div> <div id="large"> <title>Large projects on hold</title> </div> <div id="issues"> <title>Ongoing issues</title> <div id="wifi2f"> <title>Meeting room wifi</title> <p>[HT] Deferred until September</p> </div> <div id="alarm"> <title>Alarm callout phone</title> <p>A GSM dialler has been fitted to the intruder alarm and it no longer sounds on the stair when the building is opened or closed.</p> <p>There is an issue with the (re)direction for calls from this phone. If the alarm rings for longer than 30 seconds then it calls MG, then MS, then SS. It should not call the other two if MG answers the phone. Sounder runs for 20 minutes, then turns off (Noise Abatement), but continues flashing. Currently it has returned to default settings and calls all of us. Since our meeting IMMS have agreed to come in and reset the alarm this week. which currently is set up to dial MG, then SS. For obvious reasons, MG's work phone is set up to go to voicemail, but if that means the call is taken to have gone through, that's a problem.</p> <p>Unofficial test when someone (not actually an intruder) came in through the stair, called MG, MS and SS, then around again, at which point MS picked up and, we think, pressed '8' which is the way to signal that you've picked up (solving the answerphone problem, because it doesn't press '8'). This stops the calling, but someone still needs to come to the building to switch off the alarm itself.</p> <p>A subsequent intentional test has been done, leaving a few questions but overall things are better.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="flats"> <title>6 Upper Bow</title> <p>Decision process for refurbishment, including discussion with VTAG</p> <p>Quinquennial report [ref?] lists things that need repair. This is involved at least to some extent.</p> <p>Request from Richard West for furniture from 3F2. Rental agents all agreed that we should rent the flat furnished.</p> <p class="action" on="MG, HT">Check the condition of the furniture RW has in mind, and unless it's in bad shape tell RW 'no'.</p> </div> <div id="woStaff"> <title>Time without staff</title> </div> <div class="appendix" id="actions"> <title>Action items</title> <div class="actions"/> </div> </body> </doc>