view Sufferings/2020-10-02/notes.txt @ 204:794ad2765a03

author Henry S. Thompson <>
date Sat, 10 Apr 2021 19:21:54 +0100
parents a58169508f4f
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Maud x ... reported on a brilliant set of plans coming from a new
project at Woodbrooke called "Climate crisis: spiritual nuture and
learning" which has a wealth of suggestions for concrete action.
[Ref. item MfS 2020 10 06b]

... Hanks (Economic ... and sustainability work) reported on plans for
COPS 26.  Three people (2.2 FTE).  "Build Back Better".  Building a
network of Friends working towards ... wrt COP26.  Quaker Faith in
Action e-newsletter Una Ryder, Activism Support Coordinator.

QPSW strategy Geoff Beattie co-clerk
"Principles" document: "Nearly there" for new strategy 2020-2025
  Peaceful and sustainable future...
  Doing more on less

Review of Quaker Stewardship Committee

Big change: QSC, which was established nearly 20 years ago to oversee
Trustees' responsibility for compliance with Charity regulations, both
at YM and AM levels, is to be laid down, and their responsiblities
transfered to QLCC and MfS.


BoDRC interim report

Still mostly foundation-laying

Seven themes emerging
– Spirituality, worship and discernment
– individually and collectively with God 
• Quaker community – life in our meetings 
• Testimony and faith in action – in the world 
• Stages of personal life journeys and close relationships 
• Church government – how we organise ourselves 
• Our story – where we have come from and where we are going 
• Advices & Queries

5 key insights:

1. We can all have direct access to God/Spirit/ the Divine. This
   experience / encounter /relationship can transform us.

2. We live under guidance from God/Spirit/ the Light/ the promptings
   of love and truth in our hearts

3. We recognise and seek to address that of God in each human being –
   each of us is unique and precious

4. There is a dynamic Spirit bringing continuing revelation

5. We hold the whole of life sacramental and so we do not divide the
   sacred and the secular

This is the webpage
 which gives details of how to be in touch with the committee, including a link to the collection tool where ideas (both general and specific text) can be offered.

Nominations suggestions: