view MHMC/2024-08-27/minutes.html @ 553:26410acf65b9

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date Wed, 18 Sep 2024 15:49:36 +0100
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     </style><style type="text/css">.a::before {content: "ACTION: "; font-weight: bold}</style><title>Meeting House Management Committee 2024-08-27 Minutes</title></head><body style="font-family: DejaVu Sans, Arial; background: rgb(254,250,246)"><div style="text-align: center" class="head"><h1>Meeting House Management Committee 2024-08-27 Minutes</h1><hr/><div class="byline">Henry S. Thompson</div><div class="byline">Tuesday 27
August, 5 p.m.<br/>7 Victoria Terrace</div><div class="copyright">Copyright &#xa9; 2024 <a href="">Henry S. Thompson</a>&#160;<a href="">CC-BY-SA</a></div></div><div class="preToC"/><div class="toc"><h1>Table of Contents</h1><ul class="naked"><li><h2>1.  <a href="#attendance">
Attendance</a></h2></li><li><h2>2.  <a href="#convenors-report">
Convenor&#x2019;s report</a></h2></li><li><h4>2.1.  <a href="#f-upper-bow-shower"> 4F Upper Bow shower</a></h4></li><li><h4>2.2.  <a href="#regular-meetings-with-staff">Regular meetings with
staff</a></h4></li><li><h4>2.2.1.  <a href="#with-rachel-2024-08-15"> With Rachel
2024-08-15</a></h4></li><li><h4>2.2.2.  <a href="#with-henry-2024-08-29"> With Henry
2024-08-29</a></h4></li><li><h4>2.3.  <a href="#fire-alarm-upgrade"> Fire
Alarm upgrade</a></h4></li><li><h4>2.4.  <a href="#kitchen-toilet-leak-into-hideout-caf&#xe9;"> Kitchen toilet leak into
Hideout Caf&#xe9;</a></h4></li><li><h4>2.5.  <a href="#hiring">
Hiring</a></h4></li><li><h4>2.5.1.  <a href="#f-sublet-query">
4F sublet query</a></h4></li><li><h4>2.6.  <a href="#trustees-meeting-2024-08-20"> Trustees meeting
2024-08-20</a></h4></li><li><h2>3.  <a href="#cafe"> Caf&#xe9;</a></h2></li><li><h2>4.  <a href="#c-arts"> C Arts</a></h2></li><li><h2>5.  <a href="#carpets">
Carpets</a></h2></li><li><h2>6.  <a href="#business-as-usual-septemberdecember"> Business as usual
September&#x2013;December</a></h2></li><li><h4>6.1.  <a href="#contract-staff">
Contract staff</a></h4></li><li><h4>6.2.  <a href="#casual-staff">
Casual staff</a></h4></li><li><h4>6.3.  <a href="#end-of-lets"> End
of lets</a></h4></li><li><h4>6.4.  <a href="#meeting-room-microphones"> Meeting Room microphones</a></h4></li><li><h2>7.  <a href="#payment-for-use-of-johnston-terrace-garden"> Payment for use of Johnston
Terrace garden</a></h2></li><li><h2>8.  <a href="#planning-for-debriefing-meetings"> Planning for debriefing
meetings</a></h2></li><li><h4>8.1.  <a href="#internal">
Internal</a></h4></li><li><h4>8.2.  <a href="#with-hartley">
With Hartley</a></h4></li><li><h2>9.  <a href="#date-of-next-meeting"> Date of next meeting</a></h2></li></ul></div><div class="body"><div id="attendance"><h2>1.  <a name="attendance">
Attendance</a></h2><ul class="naked  "><li><a name="Present"><b>Present</b></a>
&#xa0;&#xa0;Rachel Fitzgerald (RF), Katrina McCrea (KM), Laragh
Quinney (LQ), Henry S. Thompson (HST), Majk Stokes (MS) in part</li><li><a name="Prevented"><b>Prevented</b></a>
&#xa0;&#xa0;J. P. Ascher (network problems)</li></ul></div><div id="convenors-report"><h2>2.  <a name="convenors-report">
Convenor&#x2019;s report</a></h2><div id="f-upper-bow-shower"><h4>2.1.  <a name="f-upper-bow-shower"> 4F Upper Bow shower</a></h4><p>2 days after move-in shower packed up, needed new shower and cable,
made good plaster and tile, after 12 days :-(. Details of costs are with
Jackie.</p></div><div id="regular-meetings-with-staff"><h4>2.2.  <a name="regular-meetings-with-staff">Regular meetings with
staff</a></h4><div id="with-rachel-2024-08-15"><h4>2.2.1.  <a name="with-rachel-2024-08-15"> With Rachel
2024-08-15</a></h4><p>Extra WiFi has never worked</p><p>Decided not to have
soup-making to go ahead for Sunday 1 September as Kitchen not in good enough
state.</p></div><div id="with-henry-2024-08-29"><h4>2.2.2.  <a name="with-henry-2024-08-29"> With Henry
2024-08-29</a></h4><p>See actions in <a href="#contract-staff">Contract
staff</a> below</p></div></div><div id="fire-alarm-upgrade"><h4>2.3.  <a name="fire-alarm-upgrade"> Fire
Alarm upgrade</a></h4><p>Deposit of &#xa3;500 was paid by Hartley Kemp (HK)</p><p>Beeper which gives feedback on button-press is no longer happening
:-(</p><p>HK asked for a call with HST but never rang.</p><p>[HK emailed on 2024-08-29 and
requested relief and/or participation. This will have to be the subject of a
between-meetings decision via email]</p></div><div id="kitchen-toilet-leak-into-hideout-caf&#xe9;"><h4>2.4.  <a name="kitchen-toilet-leak-into-hideout-caf&#xe9;"> Kitchen toilet leak into
Hideout Caf&#xe9;</a></h4><p>&#xa3;40 paid to Hassan for his plumber, our plumber did nothing, hasn&#x2019;t
billed (yet).</p></div><div id="hiring"><h4>2.5.  <a name="hiring">
Hiring</a></h4><p>We <b>AGREED</b> that we would (seek to) interview any job-sharing
applicants both at once, in person.</p><p class="a">HST to post all
applications to Dropbox</p><p>We <b>AGREED</b> target interview dates of 30/9 and 4/10, all day, here</p><p class="a">HST to book the Bow Room</p><div id="f-sublet-query"><h4>2.5.1.  <a name="f-sublet-query">
4F sublet query</a></h4><p>we <b>AGREED</b> that HST can say that living in at least during the week is a
requirement of taking the flat, no subletting.</p></div></div><div id="trustees-meeting-2024-08-20"><h4>2.6.  <a name="trustees-meeting-2024-08-20"> Trustees meeting
2024-08-20</a></h4><p>Trustees approved contracting with Peter Young,
&#x201c;subject to John Renshaw&#x201d; - see <a href="#carpets">Carpets</a> below.</p></div></div><div id="cafe"><h2>3.  <a name="cafe"> Caf&#xe9;</a></h2><p>Ian Wilson is keen to do a more substantial caf&#xe9; offering vegetarian food, but is
willing to undertake a 'pop-up' trial period. Office will ask him in for a chat
in due course.</p></div><div id="c-arts"><h2>4.  <a name="c-arts"> C Arts</a></h2><p>Setup and
ongoing management suffered from being short-staffed, as well as the
complexity arising from there being two types of staff:  Paid and volunteer. 
There were two changes of venue manager in quick succession early on.</p></div><div id="carpets"><h2>5.  <a name="carpets">
Carpets</a></h2><p>We <b>AGREED</b> on the &#x201c;Sea Blue&#x201d; sample tile.</p><p class="a">MS to finalise arrangements with Peter Young, then ask Jackie
Noltingk (JN) for a deposit of &#xa3;4000 to be sent to them.</p><div class="note "><small><i>At this point MS left the meeting.</i></small></div></div><div id="business-as-usual-septemberdecember"><h2>6.  <a name="business-as-usual-septemberdecember"> Business as usual
September&#x2013;December</a></h2><div id="contract-staff"><h4>6.1.  <a name="contract-staff">
Contract staff</a></h4><p class="a">HST to let staff know that the existing uplift will continue
until the new Manager is in post [<b>DONE</b>].</p><p class="a">HST to offer MS the title of Acting Manager in time for the
Thursday meeting [<b>DONE</b>].</p></div><div id="casual-staff"><h4>6.2.  <a name="casual-staff">
Casual staff</a></h4><p>Not in a rush to appoint, for a range of reasons, but will look to
advertise again in September.</p></div><div id="end-of-lets"><h4>6.3.  <a name="end-of-lets"> End
of lets</a></h4><p>HST and MS will do two walk-throughs of the Meeting House and both flats with HK, one on Friday 30 September to
look for issues, one on at a time subsequent to C Venues and their staff having
left for good.</p></div><div id="meeting-room-microphones"><h4>6.4.  <a name="meeting-room-microphones"> Meeting Room microphones</a></h4><p>New light fittings won&#x2019;t support old mic cables.</p><p class="a">MS to liase with Keith Gunn to ask them to minimise the visual
impact of the trays &#x2013; above the lights, perhaps? [<b>DONE</b>: Keith Gunn
say that over the
lights should be possible.]</p></div></div><div id="payment-for-use-of-johnston-terrace-garden"><h2>7.  <a name="payment-for-use-of-johnston-terrace-garden"> Payment for use of Johnston
Terrace garden</a></h2><p>We <b>AGREE</b> to pay &#xa3;200 to the Scottish Wildlife Trust for that.</p><p class="a">JN to arrange for this payment.</p></div><div id="planning-for-debriefing-meetings"><h2>8.  <a name="planning-for-debriefing-meetings"> Planning for debriefing
meetings</a></h2><div id="internal"><h4>8.1.  <a name="internal">
Internal</a></h4><p>Overtaken, staff meeting on Thursday will in fact do this.</p></div><div id="with-hartley"><h4>8.2.  <a name="with-hartley">
With Hartley</a></h4><p class="a">HST to find out how long HK is going to be in Edinburgh, and
arrange a walk-through for Friday or Saturday, include MS in
planning. [<b>Overtaken</b> in part:  initial walk-through agreed for
Friday, request for date for final walk-through sent to HK]</p><p>Wrt a follow-on contract, MSMC can have our own discussion about that
in late September/early October.</p><p>Paradise Green not interested in adding Venue 40. Greenside might be
worth contacting again.</p></div></div><div id="date-of-next-meeting"><h2>9.  <a name="date-of-next-meeting"> Date of next meeting</a></h2><p>TBA.</p></div></div></body></html>