diff Authentic/A_Guide_for_Living.html @ 326:3ae1fe7aecbb

author Henry Thompson <ht@markup.co.uk>
date Tue, 23 Jan 2024 10:45:18 +0000 (13 months ago)
parents A_Guide_for_Living.html@a572ccc3780f
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+++ b/Authentic/A_Guide_for_Living.html	Tue Jan 23 10:45:18 2024 +0000
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+     </style><title>A Guide for Living</title></head><body style="font-family: DejaVu Sans, Arial; background: rgb(254,250,246)"><div style="text-align: center" class="head"><h1>A Guide for Living</h1><hr/><div class="byline">Henry S. Thompson</div><div class="byline">17 Jan 2024</div><div class="copyright">Copyright &#xa9; 2024 <a href="http://www.ltg.ed.ac.uk/~ht/">Henry S. Thompson</a>&#160;<a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en">CC-BY-SA</a></div></div><div class="body"><div><h2>1.  Introduction</h2><p>I should be continually striving to fulfill the potential of my humanity
+(in general) and my particular gifts (in particular), grounded in Christianity.
+"... 'Live up to the light thee hast and more will be granted thee'. ... [so] I
+strove to lead a more Christian life, in unison with what I knew to be right
+..." Caroline Fox, 26.04 in QF&amp;P</p><p>Accepting that I will fail again, while trying to fail better, what
+follows are some specific actions or goals, which I may use "as an aid to
+self-discipline" [BPD] if I take the above seriously.</p></div><div><h2>2.  Specifics</h2><ul class=" "><li>Start most days with some quiet time, prayer for the day ahead, what
+opportunities/risks it may offer for doing good/falling short.  End most days
+with some form of [Ignatian] Examen</li><li>Apologise less, and only when it's genuine, and not a dishonest
+attempt to look good/earn brownie points.</li><li>Enumerate specific concrete goals/projects
+     <ul class=" "><li>For those
+already underway, describe/identify KPIs/criteria for declaring victory and/or
+pulling out
+       <ul class=" "><li>CCrawl research paper</li><li>Grant proposal</li><li>PDF project</li><li>CDX project</li><li>WebArch book</li><li>Move south</li></ul>
+      </li><li>For candidates,
+       <ul class=" "><li>CCrawl whitepaper</li><li>Middle Way project</li><li>Autobiography</li><li>Group of N</li></ul>
+      </li>
+      [ref. BPD "[C]omplete all tasks I take on and only take on
+those I truly feel I can carry out.  To finish current major projects before I
+embark on new ones"]</ul>
+    </li><li>Start a House Group dedicated to Good Old Fashioned (Christian)
+Quakerism [ref. BPD "[M]ake a commitment to discuss my faith and the faith of
+others each week"; "[A]ttempt to find others who would want to participate in
+mutual guidance"; "[T]hink about the future of Quakerism"]</li><li>Start having people in for lunch (Bonnie?) or dinner</li><li>Ask Mark if we can start having lunch every week or two</li><li>Look for a way to volunteer in a helping capacity Samaritains? Google
+[volunteer counselling opportunities edinburgh] suggests there are _lots_ of
+opportunities Reconsider my unwillingness to serve as an Overseer</li><li>Anger management: try harder to own the weaknesses that fuel my
+aggressive responses
+     <ul class=" "><li>To Catharine</li><li>To (motor)cyclists</li></ul>
+    </li><li>Declutter, including reclassifying much long-held-on-to as clutter.
+[ref. AW "[Release] many possessions and attachments ... no longer hoard
+newspapers/cuttings and printed matter generally.]</li><li>Practice explicit humility and thanksgiving, giving thanks for "the
+comforts [I] enjoy and the responsibilities [my] affluence entails" [BPD] and
+the blessings of my family.</li><li><p>Aim for honesty and integrity, not forgetting the that tact is not
+dishonesty: "Is it true, is it kind, is it necessary, is it helpful?" and "Does
+this build community?"</p>
+    <p>Things to document/confess/seek to redress, or lay to
+    <ul class=" "><li>Russian History</li><li>Early years of marriage</li><li>Timanous</li></ul>
+    </p>
+    </li><li>Try not to dismiss suggestions/opportunities out-of-hand.</li></ul></div></div></body></html>
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