1 BYM Trustees
3 80% of QC staff and 50% of FH staff furloughed
5 Emphasis of systematic funding growth for the long term, not a
6 single crisis appeal
8 [QLCC Clerk letter about LDW in The Friend]
10 LDW and Hub rollout postponed
12 Online activities improve accessability for some, but make it
13 harder/impossible for others. Are we (SESAM) looking at
14 identifying and helping those who lack either the skills or the
15 hardware to participate?
17 The one time we had a difficult decision, the lack of draft minute
18 actually being read did not work well.
20 YM:
22 There will be an abbreviated virtual YM on the afternoon of 15
23 September, two one-hour sessions. Attendance open with early notice
24 required, capped at 1000.
26 Some necessary business, some shared worship...
28 Sufferings to be empowered to do some required business between
29 then and the YM in 2021.
31 YMG will, God willing, be held in summer 2021 in Bath.
33 Small groups:
35 Some AMs have had LM-level Meetings for Worship as well as AM-level
36 AM for Worship for Business has had larger attendance in many cases
37 Some looking to continue some AMs/AM business online 'after COVID'
38 Some form of go-around or after-word is happening in some places
39 People with mobility issues found regular attendance to be very welcome
40 Weekly Epilogue for one AM
41 Some regularly attending by 'phone, that works
42 Questions about hybrid meetings 'after COVID' (also called 'blended meetings')
44 ["Ellie - trustee": I have been to a blended memorial before -
45 happy to pick up separartely if useful. 07eharding@gmail.com It was
46 held at Liverpool meeting, so their elders might be worth reaching
47 out to as well.]
49 "Is it really silence if there could be noise": Leaving people
50 unmuted unless there's a lot of background noise... [Anna Sharman]
52 Some problems:
53 "It's difficult to reach out to new people"
54 A few people have pushed back on the concept as unQuakerly...
55 Technology and/or financial issues exclude some people
56 One eldering problem has arisen, resulting in lack of unity on the
57 value of the online meetings...
58 Where no AM, an LM that chose not to meet leaves the members who
59 would like to out in the cold