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6 <title>Transcription of comments on 7VT Futures questionnaires</title>
7 <author>Henry S. Thompson</author>
8 <date>4 May 2009</date>
9 </head>
10 <body>
11 <div>
12 <title>Anon</title>
13 <list type="defn">
14 <item term="3">Improviing with the reopening of the terrace.</item>
15 <item term="4">An alternative access [to the creche?] avoiding the kitchen
16 would help. Improve toilets.</item>
17 <item term="12">An alternative access to the rooms/space beyond the kitchen
18 would be good. This would improve kitchen safety and make the additional space
19 more usable for group use. Perhaps improvements to the toilets are needed.</item>
20 <item term="13">
21 <list type="ndivs">
22 <item>Improvements do have cost implications. Could we ask
23 Festival Committee to identify Meeting House improvements as one of the fund
24 raising projects (as we did for Kelso Meeting House & the Foyer upgrade)
25 over say 3 years.</item>
26 <item>The Meeting House is a great space, with flexibility having some larger
27 and smaller areas. The availability for outreach here is so important. A
28 window in the city and affordable lettings for groups that might find
29 alternatives difficult.</item>
30 <item>Thank you to the Friends who are reviewing these responses. Your time
31 and consideration is really valuable and appreciated.</item>
32 </list>
33 </item>
34 </list>
35 </div>
36 <div>
37 <title>Anne Davies, Sarah J. Davies</title>
38 <list type="defn">
39 <item term="2">[ticked 'Not important'] I.e. Haymarket area reasonable.
40 Suburbs accessible (from train/bus station)</item>
41 <item term="12"><list type="enum">
42 <item>Better access to building—almost impossible (steep hill/steps).</item>
43 <item>Improve bottle neck entrance to Foyer.</item>
44 <item>Improve access to loos—stairs v. tricky for elderly.</item>
45 <item>Cheerful, purpose built areas for children &
46 young people—i.e. for latter, Squashy sofas & their own 'den'.</item>
47 <item>Parking facilities for cars bringing elderly to
48 Meeting—imposs.</item>
49 <item>Bike shelter.</item>
50 </list></item>
51 <item term="13"><list type="enum">
52 <item>Let's start with this premise that we want the Meeting House to be a
53 place for: Meeting for Worship; A quiet centre; A refuge for all looking to worship.</item>
54 <item>Do we want to be tied, for the foreseeable future,
55 to income generation?</item>
56 <item>Is the building [therefore] too expensive to
57 maintain? Is this the bottom line?</item>
58 </list></item>
59 </list>
60 </div>
61 <div>
62 <title>Anon</title>
63 <list type="defn">
64 <item term="12">No suggestions/ideas</item>
65 <item term="13">Apart from considerable difficulty coping as a disabled (?)
66 and weekly [sic] member (Member) particularly the Library—for coffee and
67 the Hall similarly if I stay for lunch.</item>
68 </list>
69 </div>
70 <div>
71 <title>Marianne Ferguson Rice</title>
72 <list type="defn">
73 <item term="2">Essential in my view</item>
74 <item term="4">Mobility only considered here: Good, [but] the exceptions
75 are Room 5 and the Bow Room</item>
76 <item term="10">I think so</item>
77 <item term="12">Upgrading of the toilet facilities (especially the
78 men's)—essential. Might it be possible to provide a 2nd toilet
79 <emph>accessible</emph> on the ground floor, beside the existing one? Possibly
80 doing away with the existing sink and cupboards under it and moving the low
81 sink nearer the doorway into the passage? A toilet suitable for people with
82 mobility problems for general use on the 1st floor would be really helpful.</item>
83 <item term="13"><list type="ndivs">
84 <item>Perhaps double glazing would improve the use of the loop systems, at
85 present they are of little benefit to those of us with a T setting on our
86 hearing aids.</item>
87 <item>For visually impaired people a lot needs to be done
88 to assist them in moving around the building—please consult someone with
89 real knowledge of the subject.</item>
90 <item>In view of the downturn in lettings to outside
91 bodies, we may have to rethink the free use of the building by all Quaker
92 groups—I'll need to reconsider my pleadings for special cases for AVP
93 Scotland and CAAT.</item>
94 <item>I'd be interested to see a breakdown of the lettings
95 to: a) charitable & b) commercial organisations. From an ethical point of
96 view I'd hope to see a balance in favour of a), particularly smaller local
97 charities, but I recognise the need for the income b) can bring.</item>
98 <item>I'm just wondering if the constraints of Health
99 & Safety regulation are leading to a more formal, perhaps over-organised,
100 interior thus losing some of the informal, slightly more relaxed atmosphere?</item>
101 </list></item>
102 </list>
103 </div>
104 <div>
105 <title>Anon</title>
106 <list type="defn">
107 <item term="8">Not ideal to have food & drink in a library.</item>
108 <item term="12">I think it could be developed more explicity as a community resource.</item>
109 </list>
110 </div>
111 <div>
112 <title>Anon</title>
113 <list type="defn">
114 <item term="7">Don't know</item>
115 <item term="10">Not sure</item>
116 <item term="12">If we keep the building, we need a longer term strategy for
117 its whole purpose. It may be that we need to look at alternative models for
118 management. E.g. one management committee for the building's supervision.
119 This would lead to a complete re-organisation of AM's committee structure.</item>
120 <item term="13">Q. 10: If we don't know how much the building is costing
121 us, how can we answer this question. Information should have been provided!</item>
122 </list>
123 </div>
124 <div>
125 <title>Alan Dickinson</title>
126 <list type="defn">
127 <item term="3">Progressively difficult, because of parking</item>
128 </list>
129 </div>
130 <div>
131 <title>John Phillips</title>
132 <list type="defn">
133 <item term="12">There are clearly minor imporvements to be made, but the
134 building is not flexible nor can it be expanded (except by purchasing more
135 flats in 6 Upper Bow). Improving toilets will remove Room 5 (a useful small
136 committee or even teenagers room) from use. Improved access to creche area
137 would be good. Upgrading kitchen will be to be done one day, whatever we
138 decide about Festival use.</item>
139 <item term="13"><list type="ndivs">
140 <item>It is hard to make judgements based on present use since for the past ten
141 years our childrens' classes have been very much diminished. I guess this is
142 the "fault" of all of us, but it may well reverse one day, when we might be
143 glad of as many rooms as possible.</item>
144 <item>The building is not very user-friendly for outside
145 groups—it would be good if we could be as flexible as possible about
146 where people can eat in the building and where hot drinks and refreshments can
147 be served.</item>
148 <item>I can't see any chance that we oculd purchase an
149 equally good building using money raised by selling 7VT. Its wonderful
150 position in the city means we have to sacrifice some convenience—and lots
151 of money. Sorry!</item>
152 </list></item>
153 </list>
154 </div>
155 <div>
156 <title>Anon</title>
157 <list type="defn">
158 <item term="2">No so important to <emph>me</emph> but <emph>very</emph>
159 important to giving Quakers a high profile.</item>
160 <item term="10">[Don't know] I would need to have infor to compare value
161 here with value somewhere comparable.</item>
162 <item term="13">The soup lunch is very important</item>
163 </list>
164 </div>
165 <div>
166 <title>Ann Forsyth</title>
167 <list type="defn">
168 <item term="12">All improvements possible have been carried out. However
169 its location and size are difficult for some. Very well managed.</item>
170 <item term="13">
171 <list type="ndivs">
172 <item>I am aware the its use as a festival & generalhire
173 venue has provided valuable revenue. One may ask whether the needs for
174 adequate staffing & caretaking have meant, in more recent times, that the
175 revenue produced by the hiring pays for staffing and other costs associated
176 with hiring; and whether this activity, and its many call on Quaker time, is
177 best spent.</item>
178 <item>I am also questioning whether running a café over the
179 Festival period is best—or whether we should be allowing other
180 cafés to provide food; and restrict what we offer to drinks, homebakes,
181 and maybe a daily meal for staff, participatnts & others who would be
182 content with a restricted menu. Again, it comes down to the question of
183 whether all this iffort is best spent, or whetehr others could do better,
184 allowing us to focus our energy on more "Quakerly" activities.</item>
185 </list>
186 </item>
187 </list>
188 </div>
189 <div>
190 <title>Anon</title>
191 <list type="defn">
192 <item term="12">I feel the Meeting House is managed exceedingly well</item>
193 <item term="13">I feel we would be totally unable to get another building
194 which would come anywhere near meeting our needs so well.</item>
195 </list>
196 </div>
197 <div>
198 <title>Anon</title>
199 <list type="defn">
200 <item term="12">I think it is just right as it is—the way I feel
201 about my own house!</item>
202 </list>
203 </div>
204 <div>
205 <title>Anon</title>
206 <list type="defn">
207 <item term="9">[Inadequate] Lay-out difficult</item>
208 <item term="12">Option to switch off lift safety announcement during
209 meeting for worship.</item>
210 </list>
211 </div>
212 <div>
213 <title>Tony Peach</title>
214 <list type="defn">
215 <item term="12">Improvement of toilet facilities if faunds allow.</item>
216 <item term="13">
217 <list type="ndivs">
218 <item>The Meeting House, as you see from my answers above, ticks
219 all the boxes for me. I see no reason to move and many to stay. I think it
220 extremely unlikely we could find a better centre and would be best
221 concentrating on realising how lucky we are to have it.</item>
222 <item>If finance is thought to be the main problem, maybe more efforts could
223 be concentrated on
224 <list type="enum">
225 <item>helping the Managers to maximise rentals;</item>
226 <item>considering more fund-raising for future major financial outlay.</item>
227 </list>
228 </item>
229 </list>
230 </item>
231 </list>
232 </div>
233 <div>
234 <title>Anon</title>
235 <list type="defn">
236 <item term="12">Can't think of any.</item>
237 <item term="13">Seems perfect in every way.</item>
238 </list>
239 </div>
240 <div>
241 <title>Alan Davies</title>
242 <list type="defn">
243 <item term="13">Because the Meeting House is large & central, it is
244 costly to maintain & to run. This has two consequences: the
245 commercialisation of activities such as lettings & the rise of the
246 managerial staff. I do not think it important for the Mtg. House to be in the
247 centre of the city. Furthermore, the Meeting is now so large in numbers that
248 MforW can be overburdened with ministry & individuals can be lost. I woul
249 suggest we consider splitting the Meeting in two & finding locations away
250 from the city centre.</item>
251 </list>
252 </div>
253 <div>
254 <title>Annie Miller</title>
255 <list type="defn">
256 <item term="3">Difficult at the moment, because the terrace is closed</item>
257 <item term="12"><list type="ndivs">
258 <item>Upgrade toilets</item>
259 <item>More time available for Quaker committees & other
260 Quaker groups</item>
261 </list></item>
262 <item term="13">I would like us to consider 7VT as a contact point for all
263 Quakers & attenders in Scotland, with an office for GM, maybe?</item>
264 </list>
265 </div>
266 <div>
267 <title>Penny (?) Holland</title>
268 <list type="defn">
269 <item term="12">[Keep?] given slots for Quaker events e.g. funerals/weddings one
270 Saturday afternoon per month free in Meeting Room for such
271 opportunity—even if it means losing income.</item>
272 <item term="13">Certainly think Victoria Terrace is <emph>the best
273 option</emph> in spite of need for forward (?) 'upgrading' etc.</item>
274 </list>
275 </div>
276 <div>
277 <title>Rachel Frith</title>
278 <list type="defn">
279 <item term="3">Access will be excellent soon I hope when building at end of terrace is finished</item>
280 <item term="12">Toilets</item>
281 </list>
282 </div>
283 <div>
284 <title>Gill Reid</title>
285 <list type="defn">
286 <item term="12">I think the building is managed well and feedback from
287 people I know who use it and are not Quakers is good.</item>
288 <item term="13">No home for any organisation is going to be perfect bu this
289 suits our needs.</item>
290 </list>
291 </div>
292 <div>
293 <title>Alastair Reid</title>
294 <list type="defn">
295 <item term="12">
296 <list type="ndivs">
297 <item>Some way that Friends could find out about the groups that use it.</item>
298 <item>More devolution of decision-making to assistant managers if possible.</item>
299 <item>Noticeboards—much improved lately—However culd there be
300 a small notice somewhere that sawys what is where.</item>
301 <item>DO we have a leaflet etc. on hiring?</item>
302 <item>Is there smoe way small rooms could be more easily booked (often
303 seems to be full)</item>
304 </list>
305 </item>
306 <item term="13">
307 <list type="ndivs">
308 <item>Readers guides to topics of books/pamphlets in library e.g.
309 silence, intro to Quaker writings, beginners, Peace testimony, environmental
310 testimony, Meeting for Worship, prayer etc. etc.</item>
311 <item>I hope that we do not move/sell in the near future—we need an
312 affordable central base—movement elsewhere could be expensive and not
313 necessarily of benefit to Qs & the wider community.</item>
314 </list>
315 </item>
316 </list>
317 </div>
318 <div>
319 <title>Anon</title>
320 <list type="defn">
321 <item term="12">
322 <list type="enum">
323 <item>Toilet facilities need upgrading;</item>
324 <item>Children need a space
325 that <emph>does not</emph> require access through the Kitchen—this is
326 dangerous and makes a mockery of Health/Safety Regs;</item>
327 <item>Priority must be given to Quaker Groups.</item>
328 </list>
329 </item>
330 <item term="13">
331 <list type="enum">
332 <item>Radical changes need to be made with regard to
333 Library/Kitchen/Children—It is impossible to cater for groups when access to
334 the Kitchen is unavailable when the Library is in use. It is inefficient and
335 unsage for staff/users—particularly children.</item>
336 <item>The running costs of the building are astronomical. Although I am
337 in favour of remaining in the building, it might be preferable to find more
338 'affordable' premises.</item>
339 <item>The costs of staffing/managing the building are high because the
340 building is inefficient to run. How do we find a way of upgrading the building
341 with increasing running costs without it simply becominga costly venue for
342 external groups?</item>
343 <item>Too much energy is being expended on hiring out the building.</item>
344 <item>A Quaker Meeting House should be for use by Quakers and community groups.</item>
345 </list>
346 </item>
347 </list>
348 </div>
349 <div>
350 <title>Anon</title>
351 <list type="defn">
352 <item term="12">Toilets are a bit feeble</item>
353 </list>
354 </div>
355 <div>
356 <title>Anon</title>
357 <list type="defn">
358 <item term="8">[Adequately] Library gets too crowded at coffee time</item>
359 <item term="12">{Update toilets; Update kitchen} essential if we are to
360 continue letting rooms at commercial rates</item>
361 <item term="13">Do we need to think about how the MH is used? Could it be
362 used in a different way? Could finance be generated in different ways? e.g.
363 Cafe downstairs where the foyer is.</item>
364 </list>
365 </div>
366 <div>
367 <title>Anon</title>
368 <list type="defn">
369 <item term="10">[Don't know] Probably <emph>yes</emph>.</item>
370 <item term="12">The Meeting Room is a wonderful and light space with a good
371 atmosphere. But the acoustics are dreadful—a lot of echo, and the loop
372 system picks up the sound from the street which masks the speaker's words.</item>
373 <item term="13">TH elocation is very good, and probably outweighs the
374 awkwardness of its internal structure. The committee has done a very good job
375 in making the most of its potential, and the welcoming wardens and staff are
376 excellent—the human element is <emph>most</emph> important. The window
377 displays are attractive & informative.</item>
378 </list>
379 </div>
380 <div>
381 <title>Anon</title>
382 <list type="defn">
383 <item term="12">Perhaps more bench seating—the chairs are not
384 particularly comfortable.</item>
385 <item term="13">I hope the Festival activity continues with continued
386 creativity and success.</item>
387 </list>
388 </div>
389 <div>
390 <title>Anon</title>
391 <p>I don't feel qualified to answer these questions. I don't know enough.
392 I love this building, what it offersQuakers & otehr communities & esp.
393 the quality of air & light in the meeting room. But I don't think we
394 should spend most of our money on a building. There are much more important
395 things than buildings. We could do what some churches do and hire space weekly
396 for meeting.</p>
397 </div>
398 <div>
399 <title>Elisabeth Carnall</title>
400 <list type="defn">
401 <item term="2">[Very important] Good public transport <emph>vital</emph>,
402 especially when Terrace is open again</item>
403 <item term="4">[Good] Loos up and down stairs.</item>
404 <item term="8">[Hall: very well; Library: well] Library can't be quiet place.</item>
405 <item term="12">I would like to be less conscious of rules and regulations.
406 The MH has felt less like home under the new Health & Safety requirements.
407 I don't feel the need to enhance the display of Quaker materials. I am happy
408 to see evidence of other users of the building.</item>
409 <item term="13">
410 <list type="ndivs">
411 <item>I have felt cut off from the Meetig House whie the Terrace has been
412 closed as <emph>going up & along & down</emph> to my bust stop has been
413 tedious for a slow walker. Sometimes I have walked to Bridges buses. Or to
414 Princes Street ones. I miss the 35 (& 1) which used to stop in the
415 Lawnmarket. <emph>But> I would deplore the idea of a suburban location,
416 'convenient for parking</emph>.</item>
417 <item>Before we chose this building, when we were looking, we said we
418 wanted a building wthat "wouldn't just be a Sunday building." It has been
419 gratifying that our MH has been well used by a very wide variety of groups. I
420 hope this will pick up again when the Terrace re-opens.</item>
421 <item>I have been very sorry to hear that a very long-standing tenant,
422 using the building several days in the week [?has left?]. This is unfortunate
423 both for us and for her. I can't imagine going to art classes in the Central
424 Halls.</item>
425 <item>I think that as a city much visited it is valuable to have a meeting
426 house at the centre, highly visible. Making the MH part of the Festival has
427 made us part of the community & superb <emph>outreach</emph>.</item>
428 </list></item>
429 </list>
430 </div>
431 <div>
432 <title>Geoffrey Carnall</title>
433 <list type="defn">
434 <item term="12">On the whole the Wardening is friendly & welcoming, and
435 it's very important to remember that this needs to be a primary concern.</item>
436 <item term="13">I do think the meeting house is <emph>superb</emph> for
437 outreach. Tommy Sheridan kneeling in from of a window to read <emph>Quaker
438 News</emph>. The work of Venue 40 in the Festival is magnificent. I always
439 feel guiltin that for me the Peace & Justice Centre has to take priority.
440 Sed non omnia possumus omnes.</item>
441 </list>
442 </div>
443 <div>
444 <title>Anon</title>
445 <list type="defn">
446 <item term="12">Sometimes the room booking procedure is inflexible &
447 not user friendly. Also "welcome" is not always friendly on days other than
448 Sunday. The loop in the Meeting Room is not effective and many people can't hear.</item>
449 <item term="13">I think it is very important that V.T. is used as a
450 community resource for 3rd sector and campaigning groups. It is also essential
451 that the Quaker Meeting is centrally located and visible to the wider
452 communities in Edinburgh and visitors.</item>
453 </list>
454 </div>
455 <div>
456 <title>Anon</title>
457 <list type="defn">
458 <item term="12">Could coffee not be upstairs ini a short break in a meeting,
459 with a cold water filled urn&then heating water for tea & coffee <emph>?</emph></item>
460 </list>
461 </div>
462 <div>
463 <title>Anon</title>
464 <list type="defn">
465 <item term="12">I feel it is managed very well at all times.</item>
466 </list>
467 </div>
468 </body>
469 </doc>