28 </style><title>Future of 7 VT working group: Tenth meeting</title></head><body style="font-family: DejaVu Sans, Arial; background: rgb(254,250,246)"><div style="text-align: center"><h1>Future of 7 VT working group: Tenth meeting</h1><div class="byline">This informal summary by Henry S. Thompson, Convenor</div><div class="byline">Held at 7 Victoria Terrace, Edinburgh on 1 May 2009, 5:30 p.m.</div></div><div><h2>1. Attendance</h2><p>Present: Alison Burnley, Sue Buxton (in part), Anthony Buxton (in part), Madeleine Harding,
30 Eileen Schott, Henry Thompson (in the clerk's chair)</p><p>Prevented: Rufus Reade</p></div><div><h2>2. Discussion with Meeting House Managers</h2><p>SB began by showing us the Staff Handbook—57 pages of guidance for
45 even there sometimes hovering is required/usually done.</p><p>The evening staff like to have a set of tasks, e.g. ironing, for when they have a lull,
47 Friends House bookshop</p><p>SB cleans the kitchen on a regular basis.</p><p>Window displays: we do try to put a topical display up for a big group, and sometimes that
49 sometimes gets help.</p><p>Kitchen stock taking, and ordering. Similarly for cleaning and toilet supplies.</p><p>BM reported that Sheffield meeting has 4--6 full-time staff, plus
66 House. During building work, AB was involved with a lot of co-ordination. Chases all late payers for lettings. All the general practical correspondence.</p><p>While AB and SB are on holiday, some things are suspended (including most
69 advance and extra work on return.</p><p>Quaker presence: Displays in the Foyer, keeping the website up-to-date, brochures.</p><p>We came back to the FTE question. 9am to 10pm 6 days a week open, plus 5
80 our discussion of options and their costs and benefits.</p></div><div><h2>3. Form followup</h2><dl><dt><b><a name="Lettings_comparison">Lettings comparison</a></b></dt><dd>ES has gotten some more info re
81 smaller out-of-town sites, no large ones available. HST has this and will feed it in to the report.</dd><dt><b><a name="Quaker_groups">Quaker groups</a></b></dt><dd>MH has re-circulated an updated tabulation.
82 Library C'ttee will reply this week.</dd><dt><b><a name="Central_Edinburgh">Central Edinburgh</a></b></dt><dd>HST has circulated a tabulation of the replies, and is still working on copying the individual comments.</dd><dt><b><a name="Local_meetings">Local meetings</a></b></dt><dd>PL has had replies from Midweek Meeting, East Lothian and
83 Central Fife, pretty much as expected. Kelso will reply this week.</dd><dt><b><a name="MH_staff">MH staff</a></b></dt><dd>PL has circulated a "discerned corporate response"
84 from a meeting of MH staff, as well as an individual one from AF.</dd></dl></div><div><h2>4. First open meeting review and second open meeting preparation</h2><p>A general feeling was expressed that the meeting went well, with a good
87 but not terribly engaged with the issue.</p><p>"We may be impartial, but we're not neutral".</p><p>We see no need for Monday's arrangements to be any different than
88 originally planned:</p><ul><li>HST to introduce</li><li>LN to take notes</li><li>PL, MH, BM, ES will also attend.</li></ul></div><div><h2>5. Actions review and new actions</h2><p>HST to circulate via email a proposal for report-writing responsibilities.</p></div><div><h2>6. Next Meetings</h2><p>Our next meeting will be at 7 Victoria Terrace at 5:30pm on Friday 15 May
90 tentatively agreed on Friday 29 May 5:30pm [apologies MH, ML] for our next (and final) meeting after that.</p><p>We currently expect HST, PL, BM, ES, AB, MH at Area Meeting in Fife on 6 June</p></div></body></html>