28 </style><title>Future of 7 VT working group: Ninth meeting</title></head><body style="font-family: DejaVu Sans, Arial; background: rgb(254,250,246)"><div style="text-align: center"><h1>Future of 7 VT working group: Ninth meeting</h1><div class="byline">This informal summary by Henry S. Thompson, Convenor</div><div class="byline">Held at 7 Victoria Terrace, Edinburgh on 24 April 2009, 5:30 p.m.</div></div><div><h2>1. Attendance</h2><p>Present: Madeleine Harding,
29 Phil Lucas, Brian Mayes, Laurie Naumann, Rufus Reade, Henry Thompson (in the clerk's chair)</p><p>Prevented: Alison Burnley, Eileen Schott</p></div><div><h2>2. Status of form distribution/collection</h2><dl><dt><b><a name="Financial_experts">Financial experts</a></b></dt><dd>LN has sent email summarising his telephone
30 interviews with Paul Kenny, Caroline Evens and John Phillips.</dd><dt><b><a name="Lettings_comparison">Lettings comparison</a></b></dt><dd>ES has done this, discussed last
31 time. Some more info to come re out-of-town sites.</dd><dt><b><a name="Quaker_groups">Quaker groups</a></b></dt><dd>MH sent email with interim results, has now
32 gotten 12 replies, will re-circulate an updated tabulation</dd><dt><b><a name="Central_Edinburgh">Central Edinburgh</a></b></dt><dd>HST has a substantial number of completed
33 forms, will tabulate and circulate this evening.</dd><dt><b><a name="Midweek_meeting">Midweek meeting</a></b></dt><dd>AB has tabulated the 8 returns she has received.</dd><dt><b><a name="Local_meetings">Local meetings</a></b></dt><dd>PL has had replies from S. Edinburgh and
35 responses. He also has a "discerned corporate response" from a meeting of MH staff.</dd></dl></div><div><h2>3. Additional input from the Meeting House Managers</h2><p>We considered the question of whether we needed further input from the
38 agreed that HST will invite the MHMs to our next meeting, at the beginning.</p></div><div><h2>4. Financial experts interviews</h2><p>LN summarised. Overall answers were fairly similar, although they were
53 against the cost of opening the building.</p></div><div><h2>5. Responses from Quaker Groups</h2><p>Although not dependent as such, many groups expressed a sense of
54 ownership wrt 7VT. Overseers did feel dependent on 7VT as their base.</p><p>"The atmosphere can be felt when you walk into the place" like any other
60 possibility of there being particular designated Quaker slots in the diary.</p><p>Big meetings (e.g. Scotland GM) needed the whole building.</p><p>Our ability to host young people's events was discussed in some detail</p><p>The value of being a central venue was remarked on a number of times.</p><p>Car parking will of course always be an issue for a central venue, but
61 the impact of that on those with physical disabilities has to be managed.</p></div><div><h2>6. Planning for open meetings</h2><p>[Note that the date of the 1st meeting was changed following consultation
63 think feasable.</p><p>Aim for 2:30 finish</p><p>HST suggested opening with an introduction</p><p>BM suggested that we had to include the basic outline of the financial
65 years on, 10 years with balanced books, 10 years during which a gap has opened up</p><p>MH: The questionnaires and a lot of our fact-finding to date have been
69 opportunity to stay behind afterwards for more focussed questions to the group.</p><p>Is it appropriate to make notes during a worship sharing session? Yes,
71 nature of the meeting itself.</p><div><h4>6.1. Meeting on 26 April</h4><ul><li>HST to introduce</li><li>PL to take notes</li><li>MH, BM, RR will also attend.</li></ul></div><div><h4>6.2. Meeting of 4 May [subject to revision]</h4><ul><li>HST to introduce</li><li>LN to take notes</li><li>PL, MH, BM will also attend.</li></ul></div></div><div><h2>7. Actions review and new actions</h2><p>ES to get some costs of out-of-town units </p><p>HST to get publicity out about the vision input meetings. [done]</p></div><div><h2>8. Next Meetings</h2><p>Our next meeting will be at 7 Victoria Terrace at 5:30pm on Friday 1 May