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109 </style><title>A Guide for Living</title></head><body style="font-family: DejaVu Sans, Arial; background: rgb(254,250,246)"><div style="text-align: center" class="head"><h1>A Guide for Living</h1><hr/><div class="byline">Henry S. Thompson</div><div class="byline">17 Jan 2024</div><div class="copyright">Copyright © 2024 <a href="http://www.ltg.ed.ac.uk/~ht/">Henry S. Thompson</a> <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en">CC-BY-SA</a></div></div><div class="body"><div><h2>1. Introduction</h2><p>I should be continually striving to fulfill the potential of my humanity
110 (in general) and my particular gifts (in particular), grounded in Christianity.
111 "... 'Live up to the light thee hast and more will be granted thee'. ... [so] I
112 strove to lead a more Christian life, in unison with what I knew to be right
113 ..." Caroline Fox, 26.04 in QF&P</p><p>Accepting that I will fail again, while trying to fail better, what
114 follows are some specific actions or goals, which I may use "as an aid to
115 self-discipline" [BPD] if I take the above seriously.</p></div><div><h2>2. Specifics</h2><ul class=" "><li>Start most days with some quiet time, prayer for the day ahead, what
116 opportunities/risks it may offer for doing good/falling short. End most days
117 with some form of [Ignatian] Examen</li><li>Apologise less, and only when it's genuine, and not a dishonest
118 attempt to look good/earn brownie points.</li><li>Enumerate specific concrete goals/projects
119 <ul class=" "><li>For those
120 already underway, describe/identify KPIs/criteria for declaring victory and/or
121 pulling out
122 <ul class=" "><li>CCrawl research paper</li><li>Grant proposal</li><li>PDF project</li><li>CDX project</li><li>WebArch book</li><li>Move south</li></ul>
123 </li><li>For candidates,
124 prioritise
125 <ul class=" "><li>CCrawl whitepaper</li><li>Middle Way project</li><li>Autobiography</li><li>Group of N</li></ul>
126 </li>
127 [ref. BPD "[C]omplete all tasks I take on and only take on
128 those I truly feel I can carry out. To finish current major projects before I
129 embark on new ones"]</ul>
130 </li><li>Start a House Group dedicated to Good Old Fashioned (Christian)
131 Quakerism [ref. BPD "[M]ake a commitment to discuss my faith and the faith of
132 others each week"; "[A]ttempt to find others who would want to participate in
133 mutual guidance"; "[T]hink about the future of Quakerism"]</li><li>Start having people in for lunch (Bonnie?) or dinner</li><li>Ask Mark if we can start having lunch every week or two</li><li>Look for a way to volunteer in a helping capacity Samaritains? Google
134 [volunteer counselling opportunities edinburgh] suggests there are _lots_ of
135 opportunities Reconsider my unwillingness to serve as an Overseer</li><li>Anger management: try harder to own the weaknesses that fuel my
136 aggressive responses
137 <ul class=" "><li>To Catharine</li><li>To (motor)cyclists</li></ul>
138 </li><li>Declutter, including reclassifying much long-held-on-to as clutter.
139 [ref. AW "[Release] many possessions and attachments ... no longer hoard
140 newspapers/cuttings and printed matter generally.]</li><li>Practice explicit humility and thanksgiving, giving thanks for "the
141 comforts [I] enjoy and the responsibilities [my] affluence entails" [BPD] and
142 the blessings of my family.</li><li><p>Aim for honesty and integrity, not forgetting the that tact is not
143 dishonesty: "Is it true, is it kind, is it necessary, is it helpful?" and "Does
144 this build community?"</p>
145 <p>Things to document/confess/seek to redress, or lay to
146 rest?
147 <ul class=" "><li>Russian History</li><li>Early years of marriage</li><li>Timanous</li></ul>
148 </p>
149 </li><li>Try not to dismiss suggestions/opportunities out-of-hand.</li></ul></div></div></body></html> |