75 </style><title>Guidance for attending Meeting for Worship</title></head><body style="font-family: DejaVu Sans, Arial; background: rgb(254,250,246)"><div style="text-align: center" class="head"><h1>Guidance for attending Meeting for Worship</h1><hr/><div class="byline">Central Edinburgh Meeting</div><div class="byline">w.e.f 21 Nov 2021</div></div><div class="body"><div><h2>1. Before coming to Meeting</h2><ul class=" "><li>No advance booking required</li><li>Do not come to Meeting if:
88 </li><li>We encourage you to use lateral flow tests regularly</li><li>All affected parts of the Meeting House will be cleaned before and after Meeting</li></ul></div><div><h2>2. While in the Meeting House</h2><ul class=" "><li>Sign in on entry using the form in the Foyer</li><li>Wash / sanitise your hands on arrival</li><li>Wear a face mask at all times unless exempt
89 <ul class=" "><li>Children under twelve are not required to wear a mask, but we hope they will continue to do so</li><li>You may remove your mask to minister at the microphone</li></ul>
90 </li><li>No social distancing required, except when ministering without a mask, or if exempt from mask-wearing</li><li>Be respectful of each others' space, as you move around the Meeting House and as you sit down in the Meeting Room</li><li>Please don't linger in the Foyer on your way in or out, as the ventilation there isn't very good</li><li>We will keep doors and windows open in the Meeting Room as required for safety</li><li>Please dress appropriately as the weather gets colder</li><li>We have installed a CO2 monitor to help us know when/whether we can adjust the ventilation</li><li>No hand-shaking at the rise of Meeting, or with the door-keepers</li></ul></div><div><h2>3. After Meeting for Worship</h2><ul class=" "><li>Tea & Coffee will be available, served through the hatch in the Library</li><li>You're welcome to bring your own lunch, for consumption in the Hall</li></ul></div><div><h2>4. Notes</h2><ul class=" "><li>If you wish to discuss any of the above measure please contact <a href="mailto:mfw@rsof.hst.name">mfw@rsof.hst.name</a></li><li>We hope you've been vaccinated, but this guidance applies whether you have or not</li></ul></div></div></body></html>