view plugins/archive/localization/ @ 17:3bd5fe8166b8

switch to using vurl as well for better display, and it gets saved
author Charlie Root
date Sat, 13 Jan 2018 17:06:41 -0500
parents 1e000243b222
line wrap: on
line source


 | plugins/archive/localization/<lang>.inc                                |
 |                                                                       |
 | Localization file of the Roundcube Webmail Archive plugin             |
 | Copyright (C) 2016, The Roundcube Dev Team                            |
 |                                                                       |
 | Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or            |
 | any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins.                |
 | See the README file for a full license statement.                     |
 |                                                                       |

 For translation see
$labels['buttontext'] = 'Arhīvs';
$labels['buttontitle'] = 'Arhivēt šo vēstuli';
$labels['archived'] = 'Vēstule veiksmīgi arhivēta';
$labels['archivedreload'] = 'Arhīvs veiksmīgi izveidots. Lai redzētu jaunās arhīva mapes, pārlādējiet lapu.';
$labels['archiveerror'] = 'Dažas vēstules nebija iespējams arhivēt';
$labels['archivefolder'] = 'Arhīvs';
$labels['settingstitle'] = 'Arhīvs';
$labels['archivetype'] = 'Sadalīt arhīvu pa';
$labels['archivetypeyear'] = 'Gadiem (piem. Arhīvs/2012)';
$labels['archivetypemonth'] = 'Mēnešiem (piem. Arhīvs/2012/06)';
$labels['archivetypetbmonth'] = 'Mēnesis - Savietojams ar Thunderbird (piem. Arhīvs/2012/2012-06)';
$labels['archivetypefolder'] = 'Sākotnējā mape';
$labels['archivetypesender'] = 'Sūtītāja e-pasts';
$labels['unkownsender'] = 'nezināms';
$labels['readonarchive'] = 'Arhivējot, atzīmēt vēstuli kā izlasītu';