1 /**
2 * ContextMenu plugin script
3 *
4 * @licstart The following is the entire license notice for the
5 * JavaScript code in this file.
6 *
7 * Copyright (C) 2014 Philip Weir
8 *
9 * The JavaScript code in this page is free software: you can redistribute it
10 * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
11 * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
12 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13 *
14 * @licend The above is the entire license notice
15 * for the JavaScript code in this file.
16 */
18 rcube_webmail.prototype.context_menu_popup_pattern = /rcmail_ui\.show_popup\(\'([^\']+)\'/;
19 rcube_webmail.prototype.context_menu_button_active_class = new Array('active', 'button');
20 rcube_webmail.prototype.context_menu_button_disabled_class = new Array('disabled', 'buttonPas');
22 function add_menu_text(p) {
23 if ($(p.item).children('a').hasClass('vcard')) {
24 $(p.item).children('a').children('span').text($('#abookactions a.vcard').attr('title'));
25 }
26 }
28 function reorder_contact_menu(p) {
29 // put export link last
30 var ul = p.ref.container.find('ul:first');
31 $(p.ref.container).find('a.export').parent('li').appendTo(ul);
32 }
34 function reorder_abook_menu(p) {
35 // remove the remove from group option from the address book menu
36 p.ref.container.find('a.cmd_group-remove-selected').remove();
37 }
39 $(document).ready(function() {
40 if (window.rcmail) {
41 if (rcmail.env.task == 'mail' && rcmail.env.action == '') {
42 rcmail.addEventListener('insertrow', function(props) { rcm_listmenu_init(props.row.id, {'menu_name': 'messagelist', 'menu_source': '#messagetoolbar'}); } );
43 rcmail.add_onload("rcm_foldermenu_init('#mailboxlist li', {'menu_source': ['#rcmFolderMenu', '#mailboxoptionsmenu ul']})");
44 }
45 else if (rcmail.env.task == 'mail' && rcmail.env.action == 'compose') {
46 rcmail.addEventListener('insertrow', function(props) { rcm_listmenu_init(props.row.id, {'menu_name': 'composeto', 'menu_source': '#abookactions', 'list_object': rcmail.contact_list}, {'insertitem': function(p) { add_menu_text(p); }}); } );
47 }
48 else if (rcmail.env.task == 'addressbook' && rcmail.env.action == '') {
49 rcmail.addEventListener('contextmenu_init', function(menu) {
50 if (menu.menu_name == 'contactlist') {
51 // copy the remove from group option in the contact menu
52 if (btn = $('#' + rcmail.buttons['group-remove-selected'][0].id).clone()) {
53 // remove the ID and add override class
54 btn.removeAttr('id').addClass('rcm_active');
55 btn = $('<li>').attr('role', 'menuitem').append(btn);
56 btn.insertAfter($('#rcmAddressBookMenu').find('a.assigngroup').parent('li'));
57 }
58 }
59 });
60 rcmail.addEventListener('insertrow', function(props) { rcm_listmenu_init(props.row.id, {'menu_name': 'contactlist', 'menu_source': ['#abooktoolbar', '#rcmAddressBookMenu'], 'list_object': rcmail.contact_list}, {
61 'init': function(p) { reorder_contact_menu(p); },
62 'afteractivate': function(p) {
63 p.ref.list_selection(false, rcmail.env.contextmenu_selection);
65 // count the number of groups in the current addressbook
66 if (!rcmail.env.group || rcmail.env.readonly)
67 p.ref.container.find('a.cmd_group-remove-selected').removeClass('active').addClass('disabled');
69 // count the number of groups in the current addressbook
70 var groupcount = 0;
71 if (!rcmail.env.readonly && rcmail.env.address_sources[rcmail.env.source] && rcmail.env.address_sources[rcmail.env.source].groups)
72 $.each(rcmail.env.contactgroups, function(){ if (this.source === rcmail.env.source) groupcount++ });
74 if (groupcount > 0)
75 p.ref.container.find('a.assigngroup').removeClass('disabled').addClass('active');
76 else
77 p.ref.container.find('a.assigngroup').removeClass('active').addClass('disabled');
78 },
79 'aftercommand': function(p) {
80 if ($(p.el).hasClass('active') && p.command == 'group-remove-selected')
81 rcmail.command('listgroup', {'source': rcmail.env.source, 'id': rcmail.env.group}, p.el);
82 }
83 }); } );
84 rcmail.add_onload("rcm_abookmenu_init('#directorylist li, #savedsearchlist li', {'menu_source': ['#directorylist-footer', '#groupoptionsmenu ul']}, {'init': function(p) { reorder_abook_menu(p); }})");
85 rcmail.addEventListener('group_insert', function(props) { rcm_abookmenu_init(props.li, {'menu_source': ['#directorylist-footer', '#groupoptionsmenu ul']}); } );
86 rcmail.addEventListener('abook_search_insert', function(props) { rcm_abookmenu_init(rcmail.savedsearchlist.get_item('S' + props.id), {'menu_source': ['#directorylist-footer', '#groupoptionsmenu ul']}); } );
87 }
88 }
89 }); |