1 /**
2 * Version:
3 * $Revision$
4 * Author:
5 * Michael Kefeder
6 * http://code.google.com/p/rcmail-thunderbird-labels/
7 */
9 // global variable for contextmenu actions
10 rcmail.tb_label_no = '';
12 function rcmail_tb_label_menu(p)
13 {
14 if (typeof rcmail_ui == "undefined")
15 rcmail_ui = UI;
16 if (!rcmail_ui.check_tb_popup())
17 rcmail_ui.tb_label_popup_add();
19 // Show the popup menu with tags
20 // -- skin larry vs classic
21 if (typeof rcmail_ui.show_popupmenu == "undefined")
22 rcmail_ui.show_popup('tb_label_popup');
23 else
24 rcmail_ui.show_popupmenu('tb_label_popup');
26 return false;
27 }
29 /**
30 * Shows the colors based on flag info like in Thunderbird
31 * (called when a new message in inserted in list of messages)
32 * maybe slow ? called for each message in mailbox at init
33 */
34 function rcm_tb_label_insert(uid, row)
35 {
36 if (typeof rcmail.env == 'undefined' || typeof rcmail.env.messages == 'undefined')
37 return;
38 var max_id = rcmail.env.tb_max_label;
39 var message = rcmail.env.messages[uid];
40 var rowobj = $(row.obj);
41 // add span container for little colored bullets
42 rowobj.find("td.subject").append("<span class='tb_label_dots'></span>");
44 if (message.flags && message.flags.tb_labels) {
45 if (message.flags.tb_labels.length) {
46 var spanobj = rowobj.find("td.subject span.tb_label_dots");
47 message.flags.tb_labels.sort(function(a,b) {return a-b;});
48 if (rcmail.env.tb_label_style=='bullets') {
49 // bullets UI style
50 for (idx in message.flags.tb_labels) {
51 spanobj.append("<span class='label"+message.flags.tb_labels[idx]+"'>•</span>");
52 }
53 } else {
54 // thunderbird UI style
55 for (idx in message.flags.tb_labels) {
56 rowobj.addClass('label' + message.flags.tb_labels[idx]);
57 }
58 }
59 }
60 }
61 }
63 /**
64 * Shows the submenu of thunderbird labels
65 */
66 function rcm_tb_label_submenu(p)
67 {
68 if (typeof rcmail_ui == "undefined")
69 rcmail_ui = UI;
70 // setup onclick and active/non active classes
71 rcm_tb_label_create_popupmenu();
73 // -- create sensible popup, using roundcubes internals
74 if (!rcmail_ui.check_tb_popup())
75 rcmail_ui.tb_label_popup_add();
76 // -- skin larry vs classic
77 if (typeof rcmail_ui.show_popupmenu == "undefined")
78 rcmail_ui.show_popup('tb_label_popup');
79 else
80 rcmail_ui.show_popupmenu('tb_label_popup');
81 return false;
82 }
84 function rcm_tb_label_flag_toggle(flag_uids, toggle_label_no, onoff)
85 {
86 var headers_table = $('table.headers-table');
87 var preview_frame = $('#messagecontframe');
88 // preview frame exists, simulate environment of single message view
89 if (preview_frame.length)
90 {
91 tb_labels_for_message = preview_frame.get(0).contentWindow.tb_labels_for_message;
92 headers_table = preview_frame.contents().find('table.headers-table');
93 }
95 if (!rcmail.message_list
96 && !headers_table)
97 return;
98 // for single message view
99 if (headers_table.length && flag_uids.length) {
100 if (onoff == true) {
101 if (rcmail.env.tb_label_style=='bullets') {
102 $('#labelbox').append("<span class='tb_label_span"+toggle_label_no+"'>" +
103 rcmail.env.tb_label_custom_labels[toggle_label_no] + "</span>");
104 } else {
105 headers_table.addClass('label'+toggle_label_no);
106 }
107 // add to flag list
108 tb_labels_for_message.push(toggle_label_no);
110 }
111 else
112 {
113 if (rcmail.env.tb_label_style=='bullets') {
114 $("span.tb_label_span"+toggle_label_no).remove();
115 } else {
116 headers_table.removeClass('label'+toggle_label_no);
117 }
119 var pos = jQuery.inArray(toggle_label_no, tb_labels_for_message);
120 if (pos > -1) {
121 tb_labels_for_message.splice(pos, 1);
122 }
123 }
124 // exit function when in detail mode. when preview is active keep going
125 if (!rcmail.env.messages) {
126 return;
127 }
128 }
129 jQuery.each(flag_uids, function (idx, uid) {
130 var message = rcmail.env.messages[uid];
131 var row = rcmail.message_list.rows[uid];
132 if (onoff == true)
133 {
134 // add colors
135 var rowobj = $(row.obj);
136 var spanobj = rowobj.find("td.subject span.tb_label_dots");
137 if (rcmail.env.tb_label_style=='bullets') {
138 spanobj.append("<span class='label"+toggle_label_no+"'>•</span>");
139 } else {
140 rowobj.addClass('label'+toggle_label_no);
141 }
143 // add to flag list
144 message.flags.tb_labels.push(toggle_label_no);
145 }
146 else
147 {
148 // remove colors
149 var rowobj = $(row.obj);
150 if (rcmail.env.tb_label_style=='bullets') {
151 rowobj.find("td.subject span.tb_label_dots span.label"+toggle_label_no).remove();
152 } else {
153 rowobj.removeClass('label'+toggle_label_no);
154 }
156 // remove from flag list
157 var pos = jQuery.inArray(toggle_label_no, message.flags.tb_labels);
158 if (pos > -1)
159 message.flags.tb_labels.splice(pos, 1);
160 }
161 });
162 }
164 function rcm_tb_label_flag_msgs(flag_uids, toggle_label_no)
165 {
166 rcm_tb_label_flag_toggle(flag_uids, toggle_label_no, true);
167 }
169 function rcm_tb_label_unflag_msgs(unflag_uids, toggle_label_no)
170 {
171 rcm_tb_label_flag_toggle(unflag_uids, toggle_label_no, false);
172 }
174 // helper function to get selected/active messages
175 function rcm_tb_label_get_selection()
176 {
177 var selection = rcmail.message_list ? rcmail.message_list.get_selection() : [];
178 if (selection.length == 0 && rcmail.env.uid)
179 selection = [rcmail.env.uid, ];
180 return selection;
181 }
183 function rcm_tb_label_create_popupmenu()
184 {
185 var max_id = rcmail.env.tb_max_label;
186 for (i = 0; i <= max_id; i++)
187 {
188 var cur_a = $('li.label' + i +' a');
190 // add/remove active class
191 var selection = rcm_tb_label_get_selection();
193 if (selection.length == 0)
194 cur_a.removeClass('active');
195 else
196 cur_a.addClass('active');
197 }
198 }
200 function rcm_tb_label_init_onclick()
201 {
202 var max_id = rcmail.env.tb_max_label;
203 for (i = 0; i <= max_id ; i++)
204 {
205 // find the "HTML a tags" of tb-label submenus
206 var cur_a = $('#tb_label_popup li.label' + i +' a');
208 // TODO check if click event is defined instead of unbinding?
209 cur_a.unbind('click');
210 cur_a.click(function() {
211 var toggle_label = $(this).parent().attr('class');
212 var toggle_label_no = parseInt(toggle_label.replace('label', ''));
213 var selection = rcm_tb_label_get_selection();
215 if (!selection.length)
216 return;
218 var from = toggle_label_no;
219 var to = toggle_label_no;
220 var unset_all = false;
221 // special case flag 0 means remove all flags
222 if (toggle_label_no == 0)
223 {
224 from = 1;
225 to = rcmail.env.tb_max_label;
226 ;
227 unset_all = true;
228 }
229 for (i = from; i <= to; i++)
230 {
231 toggle_label = 'label' + i;
232 toggle_label_no = i;
233 // compile list of unflag and flag msgs and then send command
234 // Thunderbird modifies multiple message flags like it did the first in the selection
235 // e.g. first message has flag1, you click flag1, every message select loses flag1, the ones not having flag1 don't get it!
236 var first_toggle_mode = 'on';
237 if (rcmail.env.messages)
238 {
239 var first_message = rcmail.env.messages[selection[0]];
240 if (first_message.flags
241 && jQuery.inArray(toggle_label_no,
242 first_message.flags.tb_labels) >= 0
243 )
244 first_toggle_mode = 'off';
245 else
246 first_toggle_mode = 'on';
247 }
248 else // single message display
249 {
250 // flag already set?
251 if (jQuery.inArray(toggle_label_no,
252 tb_labels_for_message) >= 0)
253 first_toggle_mode = 'off';
254 }
255 var flag_uids = [];
256 var unflag_uids = [];
257 jQuery.each(selection, function (idx, uid) {
258 // message list not available (example: in detailview)
259 if (!rcmail.env.messages)
260 {
261 if (first_toggle_mode == 'on')
262 flag_uids.push(uid);
263 else
264 unflag_uids.push(uid);
265 // make sure for unset all there is the single message id
266 if (unset_all && unflag_uids.length == 0)
267 unflag_uids.push(uid);
268 return;
269 }
270 var message = rcmail.env.messages[uid];
271 if (message.flags
272 && jQuery.inArray(toggle_label_no,
273 message.flags.tb_labels) >= 0
274 )
275 {
276 if (first_toggle_mode == 'off')
277 unflag_uids.push(uid);
278 }
279 else
280 {
281 if (first_toggle_mode == 'on')
282 flag_uids.push(uid);
283 }
284 });
286 if (unset_all)
287 flag_uids = [];
289 // skip sending flags to backend that are not set anywhere
290 if (flag_uids.length == 0
291 && unflag_uids.length == 0)
292 continue;
294 var str_flag_uids = flag_uids.join(',');
295 var str_unflag_uids = unflag_uids.join(',');
297 var lock = rcmail.set_busy(true, 'loading');
298 // call PHP set_flags to set the flags in IMAP server
299 rcmail.http_request('plugin.thunderbird_labels.set_flags', '_flag_uids=' + str_flag_uids + '&_unflag_uids=' + str_unflag_uids + '&_mbox=' + urlencode(rcmail.env.mailbox) + "&_toggle_label=" + toggle_label, lock);
301 // remove/add classes and tb labels from messages in JS
302 rcm_tb_label_flag_msgs(flag_uids, toggle_label_no);
303 rcm_tb_label_unflag_msgs(unflag_uids, toggle_label_no);
304 }
305 });
306 }
307 }
309 function rcmail_ctxm_label(command, el, pos)
310 {
311 // my code works only on selected rows, contextmenu also on unselected
312 // so if no selection is available, use the uid set by contextmenu plugin
313 var selection = rcmail.message_list ? rcmail.message_list.get_selection() : [];
315 if (!selection.length && !rcmail.env.uid)
316 return;
317 if (!selection.length && rcmail.env.uid)
318 rcmail.message_list.select_row(rcmail.env.uid);
320 var cur_a = $('#tb_label_popup li.label' + rcmail.tb_label_no +' a');
321 if (cur_a)
322 {
323 cur_a.click();
324 }
326 return;
327 }
329 function rcmail_ctxm_label_set(which)
330 {
331 // hack for my contextmenu submenu hack to propagate the selected label-no
332 rcmail.tb_label_no = which;
333 }
336 $(document).ready(function() {
337 rcm_tb_label_init_onclick();
338 // add keyboard shortcuts for keyboard and keypad if pref tb_label_enable_shortcuts=true
339 if (rcmail.env.tb_label_enable_shortcuts) {
340 $(document).keyup(function(e) {
341 //console.log('Handler for .keyup() called.' + e.which);
342 var k = e.which;
343 if ((k > 47 && k < 58) || (k > 95 && k < 106))
344 {
345 var label_no = k % 48;
346 var cur_a = $('#tb_label_popup li.label' + label_no + ' a');
348 if (cur_a)
349 {
350 cur_a.click();
351 }
352 }
353 });
354 }
356 // if exists add contextmenu entries
357 if (window.rcm_contextmenu_register_command) {
358 rcm_contextmenu_register_command('ctxm_tb_label', rcmail_ctxm_label, $('#tb_label_ctxm_mainmenu'), 'moreacts', 'after', true);
359 }
361 // single message displayed?
362 if (window.tb_labels_for_message)
363 {
364 var labelbox_parent = $('div.message-headers'); // larry skin
365 if (!labelbox_parent.length) {
366 labelbox_parent = $("table.headers-table tbody tr:first-child"); // classic skin
367 }
368 labelbox_parent.append("<div id='labelbox'></div>");
369 tb_labels_for_message.sort(function(a,b) {return a-b;});
370 jQuery.each(tb_labels_for_message, function(idx, val)
371 {
372 rcm_tb_label_flag_msgs([-1,], val);
373 }
374 );
375 }
377 // add roundcube events
378 rcmail.addEventListener('insertrow', function(event) { rcm_tb_label_insert(event.uid, event.row); });
380 rcmail.addEventListener('init', function(evt) {
381 // create custom button, JS method, broken layout in Firefox 9 using PHP method now
382 /*var button = $('<A>').attr('href', '#').attr('id', 'tb_label_popuplink').attr('title', rcmail.gettext('label', 'thunderbird_labels')).html('');
384 button.bind('click', function(e) {
385 rcmail.command('plugin.thunderbird_labels.rcm_tb_label_submenu', this);
386 return false;
387 });
389 // add and register
390 rcmail.add_element(button, 'toolbar');
391 rcmail.register_button('plugin.thunderbird_labels.rcm_tb_label_submenu', 'tb_label_popuplink', 'link');
392 */
393 //rcmail.register_command('plugin.thunderbird_labels.rcm_tb_label_submenu', rcm_tb_label_submenu, true);
394 rcmail.register_command('plugin.thunderbird_labels.rcm_tb_label_submenu', rcm_tb_label_submenu, rcmail.env.uid);
396 // add event-listener to message list
397 if (rcmail.message_list) {
398 rcmail.message_list.addEventListener('select', function(list){
399 rcmail.enable_command('plugin.thunderbird_labels.rcm_tb_label_submenu', list.get_selection().length > 0);
400 });
401 }
402 });
404 // -- add my submenu to roundcubes UI (for roundcube classic only?)
405 if (window.rcube_mail_ui)
406 rcube_mail_ui.prototype.tb_label_popup_add = function() {
407 add = {
408 tb_label_popup: {id:'tb_label_popup'}
409 };
410 this.popups = $.extend(this.popups, add);
411 var obj = $('#'+this.popups.tb_label_popup.id);
412 if (obj.length)
413 this.popups.tb_label_popup.obj = obj;
414 else
415 delete this.popups.tb_label_popup;
416 };
418 if (window.rcube_mail_ui)
419 rcube_mail_ui.prototype.check_tb_popup = function() {
420 // larry skin doesn't have that variable, popup works automagically, return true
421 if (typeof this.popups == 'undefined')
422 return true;
423 if (this.popups.tb_label_popup)
424 return true;
425 else
426 return false;
427 };
429 });