
age author description
2022-07-31 Henry S. Thompson brute-force python3 coversion of unicode-histogram.py, q.v.
2022-07-05 Henry S. Thompson from ???
2022-07-05 Henry S. Thompson fix argv handling
2022-06-05 Henry S. Thompson works
2022-02-24 Henry S. Thompson from http://sourceforge.net/projects/pdf2xml/files/misc/vec2svg-2.py/download
2022-01-04 Henry S. Thompson quiet working, -d to use ssh -v
2022-01-03 Henry S. Thompson less noisy if success
2022-01-03 Henry S. Thompson works on markup with -v ecclerig...
2022-01-03 Henry S. Thompson works from maritain
2020-07-20 Henry S. Thompson abandoned? actOnZero
2020-03-25 Henry S. Thompson stop some/most cross-checks, but x out a 0-counted cell in step processing actOnZero
2021-07-29 Henry Thompson merged