diff emacs/pers-init.el @ 1:f005daf4488a

local changes since 2007
author Henry S. Thompson <ht@inf.ed.ac.uk>
date Tue, 25 May 2021 13:58:37 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/emacs/pers-init.el	Tue May 25 13:58:37 2021 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+;;; GNU Emacs init file for Henry Thompson
+;;; This part shared between all hosts
+;;; This part is my personal stuff, not for other incarnations
+;;; initialisation file for Emacs, that is, (l)emacs and epoch common
+;;; Last edited: Fri Sep 25 09:22:22 1992
+;;; Edit history since port:  made load-path not site-dependant
+;;; split into common-init for all my incarnations and pers-init for private
+;;; added lemacs compatibility
+;;; mail stuff
+(setq mail-archive-file-name (concat "~/mail/cpy/general/"
+				     (format-time-string
+				      "%Y-%m" (current-time))
+				     ".mbox"))
+(setq rmail-dont-reply-to-names "hthompso*\\|h\\.thompso*\\|ht@*" )
+(setq rmail-show-mime nil)
+(set-default 'ht-last-file (expand-file-name "~/mail/"))
+(setq ht-diary-file-name "~/mail/diary.babyl")
+(setq mail-append-host "markup.co.uk")
+(setq user-full-name "Henry S. Thompson")
+(setq user-mail-address "ht@markup.co.uk")
+(setq mail-host-address "markup.co.uk")
+;; new mail hackery
+(site-caseq ((edin ircs ldc)
+	     (setq rmail-spool-directory (file-name-as-directory
+					       (concat rmail-spool-directory
+						       "ht-mail")))))
+;; don't know why this is necessary
+(site-caseq ((edin)
+	     (setq rmail-primary-inbox-list
+		   (list (concat rmail-spool-directory "ht")))))
+(setq minibuffer-max-depth nil)
+(defun run-kcl ()
+  "Run an inferior kcl process"
+  (interactive)
+  (switch-to-buffer (make-shell "kcl" "kcl"))
+  (inferior-lisp-mode))
+(require 'mdn-extras)
+(setq auto-mode-alist
+      (append '(("/perl/" . perl-mode)
+		("\\.scm$" . lisp-mode)
+		("\\.dsl$" . lisp-mode))
+	    auto-mode-alist))
+(setq inferior-lisp-program "scheme")
+;;; for scheme
+(put 'letrec 'lisp-indent-function 1)
+(put 'case 'lisp-indent-function 1)
+(site-caseq (parc (nconc load-path '("/import/local/emacs/gnus-3.13/"))
+		  (setq rmail-primary-inbox-list
+			'("~/mbox" "/net/piglet/usr/spool/mail/$USER"))))
+(defun run-sicstus ()
+  "Run an inferior Prolog process, input and output via buffer *prolog*."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (not (boundp 'prolog-mode-map))
+      (let ((load-path (cons
+			(site-caseq (parc "/import/prolog-1.8/emacs")
+				    (edin "??"))
+			load-path)))
+	(load "prolog" nil t)))
+  (require 'shell)
+  (switch-to-buffer (make-shell "prolog" (site-caseq (edin "sicstus")
+						     (parc "prolog"))))
+  (inferior-prolog-mode))
+(site-caseq ((laptop markup iWeb))
+	    (t(require 'hist)
+	      (rplacd (assoc "*shell*" hk-pat-table)
+		      "[a-z]+<[0-9]+>: ")))
+;; turn off suspend-emacs -- use pause-emacs (^X.) instead
+(global-unset-key "\C-Z")
+(global-unset-key "\C-x\C-z")
+(global-set-key "\C-xl" (function goto-line))
+(require 'repl-comment)
+(require 'compress)
+(if (string-match "Lucid" emacs-version)
+    (site-caseq ((laptop markup iWeb))
+		(t(require 'lemacs-compat))))
+(if (boundp 'epoch::version)
+    ;; epoch only goes here
+    (progn
+      (if (string-match "4\\."emacs-version)
+	  (load "motion4" nil t)
+	(load "motion" nil t))
+      (redisplay-frame)
+      (require 'alarm)
+      (defun ht-rooms-setup (&optional arg)
+	(interactive)
+	(redisplay-frame)
+	(require 'mail-extras)
+	(require 'diary)
+	(require 'my-news)
+	(let ((scr (current-frame)))
+	  (load "ht-rooms-epoch.config" nil t)
+	  (unwind-protect (make-frame-for-room "diary" "-0" "+130"))
+	  (unwind-protect (make-frame-for-room "elisp" "-25" "+148"))
+	  (unwind-protect (make-frame-for-room "news" "-50" "+166"))
+	  (unwind-protect (make-frame-for-room "mail" "-75" "+184"))
+	  (epoch::delete-frame scr))
+	;; presumably this is now frame local, so not quite the right thing.
+	(setq ht-default-config (current-window-configuration)))
+      ))
+(if (string-match "^\\(19\\|2\\)" emacs-version)
+    (progn
+      ;; common v19
+      (if window-system
+	  (progn
+	    (add-hook 'sh-mode-hook '(lambda ()
+				      (font-lock-mode 1)))
+	    (setq perl-mode-hook '(lambda ()
+				    (font-lock-mode 1)))
+	    (setq emacs-lisp-mode-hook '(lambda ()
+					  (font-lock-mode 1)))
+	    (setq lisp-mode-hook '(lambda ()
+				    (font-lock-mode 1)))
+	    (setq sgml-mode-hook '(lambda ()
+				    (if (not
+					 (boundp 'sgml-font-lock-keywords))
+				     (load "sgml-font-lock-keywords" t t))
+				    (setq adaptive-fill-mode nil)
+				    (font-lock-mode 1)
+				    ))
+	    (setq c-mode-hook '(lambda ()
+				    (font-lock-mode 1)))
+	    (setq c++-mode-hook '(lambda ()
+				    (font-lock-mode 1)))
+	    (setq scheme-mode-hook
+		  '(lambda ()
+		     (setq
+		      scheme-font-lock-keywords
+		      (if (or
+			   (boundp 'lisp-font-lock-keywords)
+			   (load "lisp-font-lock-keywords" t t))
+			  lisp-font-lock-keywords))
+		     (font-lock-mode 1)))
+	    (setq python-mode-hook '(lambda ()
+				      (font-lock-mode 1)))
+	    ))
+      (setq sgml-catalog-files '("catalog" "/home/ht/lib/sgml/catalog"))
+      (if (string-match "Lucid" emacs-version)
+	  ;; lemacs only goes here
+	  (progn
+	    (if (< emacs-major-version 21)
+		(setq load-path
+		      (append '("/usr/contrib/lib/xemacs/site-lisp/xml"
+				"/usr/contrib/lib/xemacs/site-lisp/psgml")
+			      load-path))
+	      (setq load-path (cons "/home/ht/lib/emacs/bbdb" load-path))
+	      (custom-set-variables '(bbdb-hashtable-size 24203))
+	      (setq bbdb-north-american-phone-numbers-p nil)
+	      (setq bbdb-use-pop-up nil)
+	      (setq bbdb-auto-revert-p t)
+	      (require 'bbdb)
+	      (add-hook 'rmail-mode-hook 'bbdb-insinuate-rmail)
+	      (add-hook 'gnus-startup-hook 'bbdb-insinuate-gnus)
+	      (add-hook 'mail-setup-hook 'bbdb-insinuate-sendmail)
+	      (add-hook 'mail-setup-hook 'bbdb-define-all-aliases)
+	      (add-hook 'gnus-message-setup-hook 'bbdb-define-all-aliases)
+	      (defun gnuserv-start-maybe ()
+		(if (not (frame-live-p gnuserv-frame))
+		    (gnuserv-start)))
+;;;	      (require 'itimer)
+;;;	      (start-itimer "gsr" 'gnuserv-start-maybe
+;;;			    1200 1200 nil nil)
+	      )
+	    (if window-system
+		(progn
+		  (require 'highlight-headers)
+		  (defun rmail-fontify-headers ()
+		    (highlight-headers (point-min) (point-max) t))
+		  (add-hook 'rmail-show-message-hook 'rmail-fontify-headers)
+		  (setq dired-mode-hook
+			'(lambda ()
+			   (font-lock-mode 1)
+			   (define-key dired-mode-map
+			     [button2] '(lambda (click)
+					  (interactive "e")
+					  (mouse-set-point click)
+					  (dired-advertised-find-file)))))
+		  (setq highlight-headers-follow-url-function
+			'highlight-headers-ht-follow-url-netscape
+			browse-url-browser-function
+			'highlight-headers-ht-follow-url-netscape)
+		  (defun fix-frame (frame)
+		    ;; hack to fix x screen initialisation problem
+		    (if (string-equal (device-name) "grogan-0-0")
+			(progn
+			  (add-spec-to-specifier
+			   (face-font font-lock-function-name-face)
+			   [bold]
+			   frame)
+			  (add-spec-to-specifier
+			   (face-font font-lock-comment-face)
+			   [italic]
+			   frame)
+			  (add-spec-to-specifier
+			   (face-font font-lock-doc-string-face)
+			   [italic]
+			   frame))))
+		  (fix-frame (window-frame))
+		  (add-hook 'create-frame-hook 'fix-frame)))
+	    ;; gnus
+	    (setq nnml-directory (expand-file-name "~/mail/Mail"))
+	    (setq gnus-secondary-select-methods
+		  '((nnml "ht"
+			  (gnus-show-threads nil)
+			  (gnus-article-sort-functions
+			   (gnus-article-sort-by-subject
+			    gnus-article-sort-by-number)))))
+	    (setq gnus-article-save-directory (expand-file-name "~/mail/Mail"))
+	    (setq gnus-message-archive-method
+		  `(nnfolder "archive"
+			     (nnfolder-directory ,(expand-file-name
+						  "~/mail/cpy"))
+			     (nnfolder-active-file ,(expand-file-name
+						    "~/mail/cpy/active"))
+			     (nnfolder-get-new-mail nil)
+			     (nnfolder-inhibit-expiry t)))
+	    (load "gnus-init" nil t)
+	      ;; override changed default, except in gnus
+	      (setq mail-use-rfc822 nil)
+	      (add-hook 'gnus-summary-mode-hook
+			(function (lambda ()
+				    (make-local-variable 'mail-use-rfc822)
+				    (setq mail-use-rfc822 t))))
+	      (if (>= emacs-major-version 21)
+		  (progn
+		    (add-hook 'gnus-startup-hook 'bbdb-insinuate-gnus)
+		    (add-hook 'gnus-startup-hook 'bbdb-insinuate-message)))
+	    (defun ht-rooms-setup (&optional arg)
+	      (interactive)
+	      (require 'mail-extras)
+	      (require 'diary)
+	      (let ((scr (selected-frame)))
+					;	    (sit-for 5)
+		(load "ht-rooms.config" nil t)
+		(unwind-protect (make-screen-for-room "diary" "0" "+47"))
+					;           (sit-for 5)
+		(unwind-protect (make-screen-for-room "elisp" "-25" "+64"))
+					;	    (sit-for 5)
+		(unwind-protect (make-screen-for-room "news" "-50" "+81"))
+					;           (sit-for 5)
+;		(unwind-protect (make-screen-for-room "mail" "-75" "+98"))
+		(sit-for 1)
+		(delete-frame scr))
+	      (setq ht-default-config (current-window-configuration))))
+	;; vanilla v19 goes here
+	(if window-system
+	    (progn
+	      (defvar ht-frame-parameter-mods 
+		'((font . "-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--14-*")
+		  (auto-raise . t)
+		  (auto-lower . nil)
+		  (cursor-type . bar)))
+	      ;; if we have X, we have ISO-Latin-1, so
+	      ;; set char codes 128--255 to display as themselves.
+	      (require 'disp-table)
+	      (standard-display-8bit 161 255)
+	      (transient-mark-mode t)
+	      ;; hightlight searching in bold
+	      (setq search-highlight t)
+	      (make-face 'isearch)
+	      (copy-face 'bold 'isearch)
+	      (set-face-underline-p 'region t)
+	      (set-face-background 'region "white")
+	      (set-face-foreground 'region "black")
+	    (setq c++-font-lock-keywords 'undef)
+	    (setq c-font-lock-keywords 'undef)
+	      (modify-frame-parameters
+	       nil
+	       ht-frame-parameter-mods)
+	      (setq default-frame-alist
+		    (append ht-frame-parameter-mods default-frame-alist))
+	      ;; fix cut and paste
+	      (setq interprogram-paste-function nil
+		    interprogram-cut-function nil)
+	      (defun ht-mouse-set-region (click) "set region and primary selection"
+		(interactive "e")
+		(mouse-set-region click)
+		(x-set-selection "PRIMARY" (buffer-substring (point)(mark))))
+	      (defun ht-mouse-drag-region (click)
+		"drag region and set primary selection"
+		(interactive "e")
+		(mouse-drag-region click)
+		(if mark-active
+		    (x-set-selection "PRIMARY" (buffer-substring (point)(mark)))))
+	      (global-set-key [drag-mouse-1] (function ht-mouse-set-region))
+	      (global-set-key [down-mouse-1] (function ht-mouse-drag-region))
+	      (defun ht-mouse-insert-primary (click)
+		"set point and insert primary selection"
+		(interactive "e")
+		(mouse-set-point click)
+		(push-mark nil nil t)
+		(insert (x-selection)))
+	      (global-set-key [mouse-2] (function ht-mouse-insert-primary))
+	      (setq dired-mode-hook
+		  '(lambda ()
+		     (font-lock-mode 1)
+		     (define-key dired-mode-map
+		       [mouse-2] '(lambda (click)
+				    (interactive "e")
+				    (mouse-set-point click)
+				    (dired-advertised-find-file)))))
+	      (defun ht-rooms-setup (&optional arg)
+		(interactive)
+		(require 'mail-extras)
+		(require 'diary)
+		(require 'my-news)
+		;; override changed default, except in gnus
+		(setq mail-use-rfc822 nil)
+		(add-hook 'gnus-summary-mode-hook
+			  (function (lambda ()
+				      (make-local-variable 'mail-use-rfc822)
+				      (setq mail-use-rfc822 t))))
+		(let ((scr (selected-frame)))
+		  (load "ht-rooms.config" nil t)
+		  (unwind-protect (make-frame-for-room "elisp" "-25" "-58"))
+		  (unwind-protect (progn
+				    (make-frame-for-room "news" "-50" "-40")
+				    ))
+		  (unwind-protect (progn
+				    (make-frame-for-room "mail" "-75" "-22")
+				    ))
+		  (unwind-protect (progn
+				    (make-frame-for-room
+				     "diary"
+				     "-0"
+				     (concat
+				      "+"
+				      (format
+				       "%d"
+				       (-
+					(cdr
+					 (assoc
+					  'top
+					  (frame-parameters
+					   (cdr
+					    (assoc
+					     "elisp"
+					     frames-table)))))
+					18))))
+				    ))
+		  (make-frame-invisible scr))
+		(setq ht-default-config (current-window-configuration))))))
+      (setq sgml-insert-missing-element-comment nil)
+      (load "psgml" nil t)
+      (load "psgml-edit" nil t)
+      (load "xml-hack" nil t)
+      (add-hook 'sgml-mode-hook 'sgml-fix-para)
+  ;; v18 emacs only goes here
+  (progn
+    (require 'compress)
+    (defun ht-rooms-setup (&optional arg)
+      (interactive)
+      (require 'mail-extras)
+      (require 'diary)
+      (require 'my-news)
+      (load "ht-rooms.config" nil t)
+      (setq ht-default-config (current-window-configuration)))))
+(defun sgml-fix-para ()
+  (setq paragraph-separate
+	"</[^>]*>\n\\([ \t]+\\| \\)")
+  (setq paragraph-start
+       	"^[ \t]*</?[A-Za-z._-]+[ >]"))
+(defun highlight-headers-ht-follow-url-netscape (url)
+  (message "Sending URL to Netscape...")
+  (save-excursion
+    (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Shell Command Output*"))
+    (erase-buffer)
+    (if (equal 0 (call-process "netscape" nil t nil "-display" ":0.0"
+				   "-remote"
+				   (concat "openURL(" url ")")))
+	;; it worked
+	nil
+      ;; it didn't work, so start a new Netscape process.
+      (call-process "netscape" nil 0 nil url)))
+  (message "Sending URL to Netscape... done"))
+(cd (user-home-directory))
+(provide 'pers-init)