diff cc_2023/cc_2023.html @ 92:cd9413deeaa5

done, maybe
author Henry Thompson <ht@markup.co.uk>
date Sun, 24 Dec 2023 23:15:48 +0000
parents b5cb11d13efe
children 2469b2ca06b5
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          #caption:hover p { opacity: 1.0 }
   </style><title>Christmas 2023</title></head><body style="font-family: DejaVu Sans, Arial; background: rgb(254,250,246)"><div style="text-align: center" class="head"><h1>Christmas 2023</h1><hr/><div class="byline">Catharine and Henry</div><div class="byline">24 December 2023</div><div class="copyright">Copyright &#xa9; 2023 <a href="http://www.ltg.ed.ac.uk/~ht/">Henry S. Thompson</a>&#160;<a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en">CC-BY-SA</a></div></div><div class="body"><div><p>As ever, Catharine and I hope you have your share of repose and reflection, peace and joy, during
 this holiday season.  Now more than ever the season calls for a heartfelt prayer for
-peace and justice.</p></div><div><p>Photos from the last year, roughly in date order (hover with mouse to see names, places and dates):</p><p class="intro">New Year's Eve, 2022/3</p><img src="2023pics/IMG-20221231-WA0001.jpg" class="image" alt="Port and mince pies in Edinburgh" title="Port and mince pies in Edinburgh" width="100%" style="margin-bottom: 0.5cm"/><p class="intro clearLeft">Travels various, spring and early summer</p><img src="2023pics/IMG-20230102-WA0003.jpg" class="left" alt="Highlands, 2023-01-02, Joanna swimming in Loch Goyle" title="Highlands, 2023-01-02, Joanna swimming in Loch Goyle" width="49%"/><img src="2023pics/IMG-20230305-WA0000.jpg" class="left" alt="Stonehenge, 2023-02-19, Rob and Emma's weekend away" title="Stonehenge, 2023-02-19, Rob and Emma's weekend away" width="49%"/><img src="2023pics/IMG-20230409-WA0005.jpg" class="left" alt="Easter in Cambridge, 2023, clockwise from top left: Rob, Catharine, Joanna, Callum, Freya and Jamie" title="Easter in Cambridge, 2023, clockwise from top left: Rob, Catharine, Joanna, Callum, Freya and Jamie" width="49%"/><img src="2023pics/IMG-20230604-WA0004.jpg" class="left" alt="Preparing to defend our castle against the tide, Old Hunstanton, Norfolk, 2023-06-04: Henry, Catharine, Rob, Callum, Freya, Jamie" title="Preparing to defend our castle against the tide, Old Hunstanton, Norfolk, 2023-06-04: Henry, Catharine, Rob, Callum, Freya, Jamie" width="49%"/><img src="2023pics/IMG-20230625-WA0002.jpg" class="left" alt="Ward family wedding, Newcastle, 2023-06-24: Catharine, Henry, Emma, Joanna, Adam" title="Ward family wedding, Newcastle, 2023-06-24: Catharine, Henry, Emma, Joanna, Adam" width="49%"/><p class="intro">Summer hols</p><img src="2023pics/IMG-20230715-WA0000.jpg" class="left" alt="Long weekend in Gairloch: our statutory 10 minutes of sunshine looking across to Gairloch harbour, 2023-07-15: Henry" title="Long weekend in Gairloch: our statutory 10 minutes of sunshine looking across to Gairloch harbour, 2023-07-15: Henry" width="49%"/><img src="2023pics/IMG_20230718_114619.jpg" class="left" alt="Long weekend in Gairloch: On the slopes of Ben Eighe, 2023-07-18: Catharine" title="Long weekend in Gairloch: On the slopes of Ben Eighe, 2023-07-18: Catharine" width="49%"/><img src="2023pics/IMG-20230815-WA0005.jpg" class="left" alt="Family together in Hancock Point: Sunset at Tidal Falls by Joanna, 2023-08-15" title="Family together in Hancock Point: Sunset at Tidal Falls by Joanna, 2023-08-15" width="49%"/><img src="2023pics/IMG-20230820-WA0000.jpg" class="left" alt="Family together in Hancock Point: Captain Jo, 2023-08-20" title="Family together in Hancock Point: Captain Jo, 2023-08-20" width="49%"/><img src="2023pics/James, Jamie, Callum sailing.jpeg" class="left" alt="Family together in Hancock Point: James, Jamie and Callum sailing, 2023-08" title="Family together in Hancock Point: James, Jamie and Callum sailing, 2023-08" width="49%"/><img src="2023pics/IMG-20230909-WA0007.jpg" class="left" alt="Family together in Hancock Point: Bald eagle on Bean Island, ??" title="Family together in Hancock Point: Bald eagle on Bean Island, ??" width="49%"/><p class="intro">Autumn/Winter 2023</p><img src="2023pics/IMG-20230909-WA0011.jpg" class="left" alt="Nealon family wedding, [where?]: Joanna and Adam, 2023-09-09" title="Nealon family wedding, [where?]: Joanna and Adam, 2023-09-09" width="49%"/><img src="2023pics/IMG-20231003-WA0001.jpg" class="left" alt="Our back garden, Edinburgh: Urban wildlife, 2023-10-03" title="Our back garden, Edinburgh: Urban wildlife, 2023-10-03" width="49%"/><img src="2023pics/fall_colours_20231012.jpg" class="left clearLeft" alt="Little Tunk Lake, Maine, October 2023, fall colours" title="Little Tunk Lake, Maine, October 2023, fall colours" width="32%"/><img src="2023pics/henry-cath_20231203.jpg" class="left" alt="Mount Blair, Glenshee, Scotland, December 2023, Catharine and Henry" title="Mount Blair, Glenshee, Scotland, December 2023, Catharine and Henry" width="32%"/><img src="2023pics/cath_at_70_20231210.jpg" class="left" alt="Edinburgh, Catharine's birthday, December 2023" title="Edinburgh, Catharine's birthday, December 2023" width="32%" style="margin-bottom: 0.6cm"/><p class="intro clearleft">Preparing for Christmas, 2023</p><img src="2023pics/jo-wreath-20231203.jpg" class="clearLeft left" alt="Wreath by Joanna, London, 2023-12-03" title="Wreath by Joanna, London, 2023-12-03" width="24.5%"/><img src="2023pics/flying_santa_20231205.jpg" class="left" alt="Christmas tree with elf, Cambridge, 2023-12-06" title="Christmas tree with elf, Cambridge, 2023-12-06" width="24%"/><img src="2023pics/boland-wreath_20231127.jpg" class="left" alt="Wreath by Emma, Cambridge, 2023-11-27" title="Wreath by Emma, Cambridge, 2023-11-27" width="24.5%"/><img src="2023pics/11dc-wreath_20231223.jpg" class="left" alt="Wreath by Catharine, Edinburgh, 2023-12-23" title="Wreath by Catharine, Edinburgh, 2023-12-23" width="24%"/><p class="clearLeft">&#xa0;</p></div></div></body></html>
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+peace and justice.</p></div><div><p>Photos from the last year, roughly in date order (hover with mouse to see names, places and dates):</p><p class="intro">Christmas 2023</p><img src="2023pics/Christmas_2022.jpeg" class="image" alt="Christmas dinner, Edinburgh: Cheesy grins from Henry, Jamie, Emma, Freya, James, Catharine, Rob and Callum, 2022-12-25" title="Christmas dinner, Edinburgh: Cheesy grins from Henry, Jamie, Emma, Freya, James, Catharine, Rob and Callum, 2022-12-25" width="100%" style="margin-bottom: 0.5cm"/><p class="intro clearLeft">Travels various, winter, spring and early summer</p><img src="2023pics/IMG-20230102-WA0003.jpg" class="left" alt="Highlands: Joanna swimming in Loch Goyle, 2023-01-02" title="Highlands: Joanna swimming in Loch Goyle, 2023-01-02" width="49%"/><img src="2023pics/IMG-20230409-WA0005.jpg" class="left" alt="Easter in Cambridge, clockwise from top left: Rob, Catharine, Joanna, Callum, Freya and Jamie: 2023-04-09" title="Easter in Cambridge, clockwise from top left: Rob, Catharine, Joanna, Callum, Freya and Jamie: 2023-04-09" width="49%"/><img src="2023pics/IMG-20230417-WA0010.jpg" class="left" alt="Weekend in Suffolk: Rob and Emma, 2023-04-09" title="Weekend in Suffolk: Rob and Emma, 2023-04-09" width="49%"/><img src="2023pics/James_PPP.jpg" class="left" alt="Joanna visiting James in Seattle: James hiking in Poo Poo Park, 2023-05-09" title="Joanna visiting James in Seattle: James hiking in Poo Poo Park, 2023-05-09" width="49%"/><img src="2023pics/IMG-20230604-WA0004.jpg" class="left" alt="Preparing to defend our castle against the tide, Old Hunstanton, Norfolk, 2023-06-04: Henry, Catharine, Rob, Callum, Freya, Jamie" title="Preparing to defend our castle against the tide, Old Hunstanton, Norfolk, 2023-06-04: Henry, Catharine, Rob, Callum, Freya, Jamie" width="49%"/><img src="2023pics/IMG-20230625-WA0004.jpg" class="left" alt="Ward family wedding, Newcastle, 2023-06-24: Catharine, Henry, Emma, Joanna, Adam" title="Ward family wedding, Newcastle, 2023-06-24: Catharine, Henry, Emma, Joanna, Adam" width="49%"/><p class="intro clearLeft" style="padding-top: 5mm">Summer hols</p><img src="2023pics/IMG-20230715-WA0000.jpg" class="left" alt="Long weekend in Gairloch: our statutory 10 minutes of sunshine looking across to Gairloch harbour, 2023-07-15: Henry" title="Long weekend in Gairloch: our statutory 10 minutes of sunshine looking across to Gairloch harbour, 2023-07-15: Henry" width="49%"/><img src="2023pics/IMG_20230718_114619.jpg" class="left" alt="Long weekend in Gairloch: On the slopes of Ben Eighe, 2023-07-18: Catharine" title="Long weekend in Gairloch: On the slopes of Ben Eighe, 2023-07-18: Catharine" width="49%"/><img src="2023pics/IMG-20230815-WA0005.jpg" class="left" alt="Family together in Hancock Point: Sunset at Tidal Falls by Joanna, 2023-08-15" title="Family together in Hancock Point: Sunset at Tidal Falls by Joanna, 2023-08-15" width="49%"/><img src="2023pics/IMG-20230820-WA0000.jpg" class="left" alt="Family together in Hancock Point: Captain Jo, 2023-08-20" title="Family together in Hancock Point: Captain Jo, 2023-08-20" width="49%"/><img src="2023pics/Sailing_on_Evenstar.jpeg" class="left" alt="Family together in Hancock Point: Jamie, Callum, Henry, Freya and Emma sailing, 2023-08" title="Family together in Hancock Point: Jamie, Callum, Henry, Freya and Emma sailing, 2023-08" width="49%"/><img src="2023pics/Eagle_on_Bean.jpg" class="left" alt="Family together in Hancock Point: Bald eagle on Bean Island, 2023-08-12" title="Family together in Hancock Point: Bald eagle on Bean Island, 2023-08-12" width="49%"/><p class="intro clearLeft" style="padding-top: 5mm">Autumn/Winter 2023</p><img src="2023pics/IMG-20231003-WA0001.jpg" class="left" alt="Our back garden, Edinburgh: Urban wildlife, 2023-10-03" title="Our back garden, Edinburgh: Urban wildlife, 2023-10-03" width="49%"/><img src="2023pics/IMG-20231203-WA0003.jpg" class="left" alt="London, in their new flat: Adam and Joanna, 2023-12-03, just before letting us know they have gotten engaged!" title="London, in their new flat: Adam and Joanna, 2023-12-03, just before letting us know they have gotten engaged!" width="49%"/><p class="intro clearLeft" style="padding-top: 5mm">Preparing for Christmas, 2023</p><img src="2023pics/IMG-20231206-WA0000.jpg" class="left" alt="Cambridge: Wreath by Emma, 2023-12-06" title="Cambridge: Wreath by Emma, 2023-12-06" width="49%"/><img src="2023pics/Burnham_tree.jpg" class="left" alt="Bolands in Burnham: Christmas tree 2023-12-22" title="Bolands in Burnham: Christmas tree 2023-12-22" width="49%"/><p class="clearLeft">&#xa0;</p></div></div></body></html>
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