Mercurial > hg > cc > cirrus_home
copied from valhalla/bin2020-03-16, by Henry S. Thompson
fix a mis-folded link file2020-02-27, by Henry S. Thompson
sic2020-02-27, by Henry S. Thompson
use awk to do a join between links and 1132dates2020-02-26, by Henry S. Thompson
works after minor tweaks2020-02-26, by Henry S. Thompson
modelled on plinks2020-02-26, by Henry S. Thompson
fixes to pdfx to timeout, use regex2020-02-26, by Henry S. Thompson
add args for start tar and number of tars2020-02-25, by Henry S. Thompson
give up on mpiexec_mpt2020-02-25, by Henry S. Thompson
bigger run, longer limit2020-02-25, by Henry S. Thompson
logging tweaks, preparing for timeout on problem pdfs2020-02-25, by Henry S. Thompson
longer run, terser logging2020-02-24, by Henry S. Thompson
more logging2020-02-24, by Henry S. Thompson
refactor to address tarred-up pdfs2020-02-23, by Henry S. Thompson
merge2020-02-19, by Henry S. Thompson
try harder not to write empty links files2020-02-19, by Henry S. Thompson
only create links file if there are some2020-02-18, by Henry Thompson
typos2020-02-18, by Henry Thompson
switch to file loop inside python, assume file index integer in pipe as well as filename, check /dev/shm/stopJob2020-02-18, by Henry Thompson
bolting the barn door...2020-02-18, by Henry S. Thompson