view bin/ @ 108:9e5b117dc461

using Popen to run igzip (also not great)
author Henry S. Thompson <>
date Thu, 22 Apr 2021 19:06:55 +0000
parents e5d5958bf3fe
line wrap: on
line source

# This runs on login machine to launch the real task (named by $1) on multiple machines
# Any further args are passed to $
echo $(date) Launching master workers for "$@" from $(hostname)
srun $HOME/bin/$ "$@"
echo $(date) $task "$@" workers done

#nodes=($(scontrol show hostname "$SLURM_JOB_NODELIST"))
#seq 1 -1 0 | $HOME/gentoo/usr/bin/parallel --will-cite --joblog master_$task.log -S "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new ${nodes[1]}" -S "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new  ${nodes[0]}" -N 1 --workdir /dev/shm --transferfile ${task}_'{}'.txt $* $HOME/bin/$ '{}' "$@"